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June 10, 2015

Title: ATTENTION: Medical or Law Students: Scholarships Available!
Topic: Pro-Life College Students
Discussed by Veronica Arnold
with Texas Right to Life

I’m sure we all know a Texas college student who could use an extra $1,000 scholarship for school, right? Texas Right to Life wants to help! The Dr. Joseph Witherspoon Pro-Life Law Student Scholarship and the Dr. Edward Hannigan Pro-Life Medical Student Scholarship equips pro-life graduate students in a Texas law or medical school with training and tools honed to their unique fields of study – and a $1,000 scholarship per semester!

Veronica Arnold is the Outreach Development Director with Texas Right to Life. She says, “This is a new program and we are looking to expand!” It has been great so far and they are looking forward to another great year. But, they need more participants! Listen in as Veronica describes the simple requirements that each student must meet.

NOTE: Although the scholarship program for law and medical students is fairly new, the program for undergraduate students has been around since 2008! They have 67 undergraduate students participating in the fall of 2015! Those positions have all been filled, but they still need Texas medical and law students!

Veronica suggests that several students apply from each school so they can share responsibilities and duties. So grab a friend or roommate and apply today! Details and requirements can be found [here]. The application deadline is Saturday, June 20, 2015.

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January 30, 2015

Title: Pro-Life College Students Needed
Topic: Pro-Life College Students
Discussed by Veronica Arnold
with Texas Right to Life

There are 105 Universities in Texas; 36 that are public. A pro-life group or organization exists at less than twenty-five of these 105 Universities. This is just unacceptable! We need to establish a pro-life group at every University in the state of Texas.

Veronica Arnold explains how the Texas Right to Life (TRL) needs pro-life students who are passionate about protecting life, are natural leaders, and great communicators. TRL teaches and trains the students in counseling others who have had an abortion. TRL gives them the tools necessary to recruit more pro-life leaders on campus. In return,

In addition, TRL offers up to $1,000 per semester scholarships to students who devote 50 hours or more per semester to on-campus pro-life work, provides two all-expense paid trips to Houston for training, and one trip to Washington, DC in their senior year for the March for Life. So, to sum that up, THREE FREE trips PLUS up to $8,000 total for college! And you’re saving babies! They’ll also help you find a job when you graduate! It’s a win-win situation!

If you know a student who will be a FRESHMAN or SOPHMORE and has 3 or more years left of college life at Abilene Christian University, Texas A&M Galveston, Rice University, Sam Houston State University, Texas Southern University, Texas Woman’s University, University of Houston, Texas Christian University, or West Texas A&M University, to name a few, TRL wants them!!

Click [HERE]  to submit an essay and application for the Dr. Joseph Graham Fellowship scholarship. Also, if you’re interested in sponsoring a student for a semester or two, please contact Veronica by clicking [here].

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November 26, 2013

Title: Scholarship Money Available for Pro-Life Students
Topic: Pro-Life College Students
Discussed by Austin Cruz
with Texas Right to Life

Part 1 of 5

Austin Cruz is passionate about saving the lives of babies. He began his first pro-life group in high school and continued that same enthusiasm for the unborn into college.

The Texas Right to Life offers scholarships to select college students in Texas who are willing to go beyond the call to inform their peers of the dangers and side effects of abortion.

For more information, log on to

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Title: Part 2 of 5
Topic: Pro-Life College Students
Discussed by Austin Cruz
with Texas Right to Life

With Battleground Texas bringing in millions of out-of-state dollars in an attempt to turn our Lone Star state into an abortion stronghold, the need for more pro-life college students is critical. Over one-third of today’s college generation has already been lost to abortion; we do not need to lose more.

To apply for or get more information on the scholarships available to Texas college students, log on to and click on the “Texas Right to Life announces emergency Fellowship class” tab on the right hand side.

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Title: Part 3 of 5
Topic: Pro-Life College Students
Discussed by Austin Cruz
with Texas Right to Life

More and younger people are beginning to see the negative effects abortion has on women. They are becoming pro-life advocates on their campuses and in their neighborhoods and towns.

Texas Right to Life is trying to help college students who wish to save more babies by offering a two or four-year scholarship to students who will work tirelessly on their campuses to expose Planned Parenthood, Battleground Texas, and other abortion advocates.

Send these links to all your friends and forward the message from Texas Right to Life.

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Title: Part 4 of 5
Topic: Pro-Life College Students
Discussed by Kim Schwartz
with Texas Right to Life

Kim Schwartz is another student who is passionate about saving the lives of the unborn. She currently serves as the President of the Pro-Life Rams at Angelo State University.

Through peaceful and prayerful efforts, the Fellows in the Right to Life Program engage their peers in many ways. Listen in as Kim explains, then log on to  to get more information.

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Title: Part 5 of 5
Topic: Pro-Life College Students
Discussed by Kim Schwartz
with Texas Right to Life

No lasting change can take hold in our land until all people truly believe that Life is sacred and must be protected. Education is the first step on our long journey to restoring the sanctity of innocent human life.

Abortion advocates are sending their people to Texas and paying them a lot of money to convince people that abortion is safe, necessary, and needed. We must keep Texas from turning into an abortion stronghold.

Learn more at

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