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May 13, 2013

Title: Death Panels At Your Local Hospital
Topic: Death Panels
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Day 2 of 2

Death panels are real and doctors are now making “God decisions”. How can you protect yourself and your loved ones from falling victim?

Dr. Marilyn Singleton encourages everyone to seek legal advice about medical directives, even though that might not do you any good!

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May 10, 2013

Title: Death Panels At Your Local Hospital
Topic: Death Panels
Discussed by Dr. Marilyn Singleton
with Dr. Marilyn Singleton (

Part 1 of 2

The phrase “Dying with dignity” has been tossed around a lot lately. But what does it mean, exactly? And does it mean the same thing to everyone? And just what does “death panel” mean?

Dr. Marilyn Singleton is here to discuss death panels (which are already in hospitals across America) and the legislation that is currently in place which gives physicians the right to withdraw treatment of a patient at any time.


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April 11, 2013

Title: Stop DNR Orders Now!
Topic: Death Panels
Discussed by Cathie L. Adams
with Cathie Adams

There’s no such thing as death panels in the good ol’ USofA, right? Doctors don’t expedite people’s deaths, do they?

Maybe you think I am conspiracy theorist or I’ve had too much sugar-free red Kool-Aid. But when a hospital orders a DNR for your mom or dad or for your spouse against your will...what then? Then, it’ll be too late.

Call your Senators TODAY and urge them to vote against SB 303 and HB 1444.

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Title: Hospitals May Soon Have the Right to Kill You
Topic: Death Panels
Discussed by Elizabeth Graham
with Texas Right to Life

Most doctors strongly oppose the practice of secret DNR’s and would not withhold treatment against a patient’s or families wishes. However, hospitals are railroading doctors to become the medicrat’s henchmen and do all their dirty work for them.

Please, please, please take action on this issue and call your senators. Log on to  for a list of Senators that need “urging in the right direction”.

Call your Texas State Senator and your Texas State Representative TODAY and urge them to vote against SB 303 and HB 1444.

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