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January 22, 2024

Title: Can We Agree to Disagree Pleasantly?
Topic: Relationships
Discussed by Geremy Keeton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

Geremy Keeton is the Senior Director of Counseling Services?at Focus on the Family. Geremy Keeton leads the Focus on the Family’s team of mental health clinicians and pastoral specialists as they serve as safe and trusted guides on a wide range of family-related issues.

Today, Geremy helps us navigate arguments and disagreements, especially with those we love. One thing he likes to say is: “No one can drive you crazy unless you give them the keys.”

Click here for more information about Focus on the Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How do we remain calm, friendly, and connected when we disagree?

Why is “walking away” helpful during a heated argument/disagreement?

How can we remain friendly when we are upset?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can We Agree to Disagree Pleasantly?
Topic: Relationships
Discussed by Geremy Keeton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some techniques to stay better connected to those we love?

How can we live in peace with family, friends, and co-workers despite our agitated and polarized culture?

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February 25, 2022

Title: Relearning the Art of Face-to-Face Relationships
Topic: Relationships
Discussed by Geremy Keeton
with Focus on the Family

Recently, a California man made headlines for a creative attempt at making friends: He cooked up a bunch of pancakes and served them to his neighbors. It worked.

Geremy Keeton is the Sr. Director of Counseling Services at Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the human need for face-to-face relationships and how we can honor God through those relationships.

Click here for more parenting tips from Focus on the Family. You can also call 1.800.A.FAMILY to speak to a family counselor free of charge.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is the “Pancake Man”? Should we all be a “Pancake Man” (or woman or kid or teenager)?

Have we lost the art of face-to-face relationships? Geremy says: “We are generally people of habit… but relationships take intentionality and planning.” He also reminds that we were made in God’s image and He designed us to be in community.

How can we teach the younger generations to put down the electronics and cultivate face-to-face relationships? Geremy offers some great suggestions…

What does a God-honoring friendship look like?

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March 13, 2013

Title: How To Find True Love
Topic: Relationships
Discussed by Dr. Gregory Popcack
with Exceptional Marriages

What is “true love”? After the passion wears off, what’s next?”

Dr. Gregory Popcak discusses, “Now that Valentine’s Day has come and gone, what now?” We are reminded to court our love. Do you remember what you did for your spouse before you were married?

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