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October 9, 2015

Title: Europe is Crumbling. America is Next.
Topic: Islamic Takeover
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Europe had been, for the most part, Judeo-Christian for centuries with spots of Jews scattered here and there. Then came the French Revolution. Things went from great to pretty bad to really, really, really bad very quickly. There was a leader named Maximilien Robespierre who was just awful. Listen in as Bill Federer gives a brief run-down of this part of history and why it is so important to remember.

Fast-forward to today… Just ten years ago, there was only a handful of mosques in Germany. Now there are over 300! The number one crime in Germany is rape (Muslims raping German women) and the number one name in England is now Muhammad. Bill goes on to reveal that 751 neighborhoods outside of Paris, France, have been completely taken over by Muslims. The police can do nothing about it except post signs which state “enter at your own risk”.

Here in America, through the UN resettlement program, thousands upon thousands Muslims are being moved to rural towns and big cities for “refuge” and “safety”. What about our refuge and safety from them? These are some of the most radical, dangerous people in the world and we are willingly bringing them to our country!

Bill discusses the possibility of an Arab Spring – an October Surprise – next year before the election. Will Muslims rise up and protest American Law, causing fear in people so great that the President is forced to take executive action? Listen in as Bill explains what could happen and what the President just might do. It’s pretty scary. Really, really scary.

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February 25, 2015

Title: Islamic State Bigger than the UK
Topic: Islamic Takeover
Discussed by Lt. Col. Scott Mann
with Stability Institute (

Lt. Col. Mann spent his twenty-three year Army Special Forces Career involved in Foreign Internal Defense, Counter-insurgency, and Stability Missions all over the world. He served in the Special Operations Community for over 18 years and has been a Green Beret for over 15 years. During that time, Lt. Col. Mann spent over 10 years in 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) where he served in a variety of Foreign Internal Defense and combat deployments in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan. This man has seen it all and wants you to know about it!

ISIS leaders and followers believe they are carrying out the last days, according to the Quran. It is a religious war for them. They believe it is critical to mobilize their entire religious base across the globe. Listen in as Lt. Col. Mann explains the ISIS strategy and why we must not play the role as “Crusaders”. We must be smarter than that.

By the way, who does ISIS see as a “Crusader” – their enemy? Is it just Christians? Christians and Jews? Lt. Col. Mann’s answer just might surprise you!

What started as a small terrorist enclave has now become larger than the territory of Great Britain! Lt. Col. Mann says the first thing we must do to fight ISIS is to acknowledge who they really are and what their goal is. Listen in as he explains more about this and how we are going to defeat them. “Don’t focus on winning. Focus on defeat.”

Click [here]  for more.

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June 5, 2012

Title: The Atheist and The Muslim - Are They A Dual Threat?
Topic: Islamic Takeover
Discussed by Darrow Miller
with www.emancipatingtheworld.com

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Darrow Miller answers:

Does Christianity set people free? Or do the Muslim and Atheist ideologies hold the key?

What is the comprehensive agenda of the Bible? Do we need to rediscover the Great Commission?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Islamic Takeover
Discussed by Darrow Miller
with www.emancipatingtheworld.com

How are the atheists attacking the church to keep us from saving souls?

How can our listeners "emancipate" their families and friends?

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June 1, 2012

Title: Au Revoir France! Will America Follow The Same Dark Path?
Topic: Islamic Takeover
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

Part 1 of 2

Will America follow the same dark path as France?

What did the newly elected French president promise?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Islamic Takeover
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

What did you learn about the Arab population of France almost a decade ago? Why did the French bring in thousands of Muslims right after WWII?

Is Europe truly being taken over by Muslims? Is that a good or a bad thing? Is the goal of Muslims to "assimilate" and "blend in"?

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Title: Europe & Its Islamic Takeover - Is America Following In These Footsteps?
Topic: Islamic Takeover
Discussed by Dr. Gerson Moreno-Riano
with Regent University (

Explain to our listeners what you have found with brand new current census figures about the children being born in America?

Was there a battle in the 1800s to the early 1900s for allowing different ethnicities in America?

In America, if we don't teach "God Bless America" and "Lets Love America" to the children of those being born in America, is America over in your opinion?

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