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August 31, 2021

Title: Worry About the Intellectual Climate, Not Climate Change
Topic: Junk Science
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

What is today’s weather called?

Steve Milloy is the Founder of Junk Science and is even credited with popularizing the term. He is an environmental and public health consultant with over twenty years of experience and is the author of “Scare Pollution: Why and How to Fix the EPA”.

Click here for more from Steve Milloy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In 1979, did a Yale University economist – not a scientist, not a climate specialist – pen the inspiration for the notion the earth was going to warm by 2-degrees and it would be cataclysmic?

Has the UN issued a climate “Code Red”?

Did Al Gore’s climate clock strike midnight with mother earth collapsing? Steve reminds us that NONE of the climate alarmists’ predictions have come true – NONE!

What are some variables that can affect the year-to-year climate fluctuations in any locale?

Should people immediately stop burning fossil fuels, driving, using air conditioning, and propagating and begin to recycle our own water to do our part in saving mother earth from evil mankind?

Steve closes the interview with his own prediction: “Environmentalists will be the death of us. Mark my words.”

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January 1, 2013

Title: EPA Warns of Sudden Death via Cigarettes
Topic: Junk Science
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Part 2 of 3

The EPA is fighting for stricter warnings on cigarette packs. We all know that smoking cigarettes is a bad habit and harmful to your health.

But the EPA is just going too far this time, claiming that PM2.5 (a chemical matter found in cigarettes) can cause sudden death within hours or days of exposure. However, the American Medical Association has ranked the risk of sudden death from PM2.5 as ZERO.

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July 26, 2011

Title: Electric Cars Debunked; Obama Launches Bogus TV Campaign to Save CFL Bulbs; and Organic Water.
Topic: Junk Science
Discussed by Steve Milloy
with Junk Science (

Steve Milloy lays out the numbers: electric cars will not solve any problem but cost billions. Remember: the air-cooled engines in the early VW’s…their air-conditioned consisted of 4-60’s…roll down the 4 windows and go at least 60 miles per hour. Just imagine sitting in traffic in 100 degree weather with NO AIR-CONDITIONING. Americans do not want electric cars.

Steve continues discussing the new PSA campaign, paid for by American taxpayers: Save the CFL Bulbs. Americans do not want poison-filled bulbs that cost a lot.

Why not focus on straight contributions to society, or Irish contribution to society, or heaven forbid, American contributions to society. What is wrong with this picture?

Steve concludes discussing “Organic Water”. Wait a minute; water is two hydrogen molecules plus one oxygen molecule. There better not be anything “ORGANIC” in that water…but will the Greens know different. For more details, log onto

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