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October 14, 2011

Title: Will You Support Commonsense Reform to Ethanol Production?
Topic: Ethanol
Discussed by Jason Skaggs
with Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (

It just does not make sense to use our corn production as a fuel additive which is causing our food prices to skyrocket.

More corn diverted to ethanol has meant higher prices for feed stocks for cattle and poultry and has reduced the availability of corn for human food-stuffs.

Have you wondered why your grocery budget has been skyrocketing?  Let your elected officials in Washington know that you are mad and aren’t going to take it any longer!

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August 10, 2011

Title: Should the E.P.A. Regulate Every Drop of Water in the U.S. of A.?
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Pete Bonds
with Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (

Should the EPA regulate every drop of water in the US of A?

Should the EPA expand its legislative mandate and reach out and touch our lives by dictatorially regulating privately owned, self-contained bodies of water like a private stock tank used by ranchers in providing water for their livestock?

Is there sufficient legal or scientific evidence to justify the EPA’s draconian actions?

Mr. Bonds further shares other examples of how the government is regulating Cattle Raisers out of business and / or driving up the cost of meat products to the consumer.

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May 6, 2011

Title: EPA has a Bulls-Eye on Every Farmer, Rancher, and Maybe Even YOU!
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Joe Leathers
with Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (

More Regulations Equals Less Water Usage By Everyone. Joe Leathers exposes more rampant abuse of property rights and water rights by the EPA. What some environmentalists can’t “legislate” they try to “regulate”. The EPA failed a number of years ago to pass legislation to give them more control over ‘water in America’ but Congress said no. Now, the EPA is trying to push through changes in their regulatory powers. For more, log onto

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