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November 4, 2011

Title: Should teachers have a choice in professional organization?
Topic: Education
Discussed by Tracey Bailey
with Association of American Educators (

Part 1 of 2

How many teachers have joined independent teacher associations nationwide the past several years?

Why do teachers leave other associations like, for example, the NEA?

Do you really believe that teachers watch what their union bosses do? If so, do they do so carefully?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Education
Discussed by Tracey Bailey
with Association of American Educators (

Who did you survey? Why did you receive the results you accumulated? Do your members want more federal mandates? Do they favor more national curriculum?

Does the NEA lobby for gay rights and gay education in public school as early as grade school?

Does the NEA support prochoice candidates and pro choice legislation?

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August 24, 2011

Title: Americans Love Their Congressperson, But Hate Congress. Americans, Likewise Love Their Teachers, But Hate Teacher Unions.
Topic: Teacher Unions
Discussed by Gary Beckner
with Association of American Educators (

Recently polling results show Americans hate Teacher Unions. But why?

Is this familiar: a teacher is forced to join the teacher union and then they have dues forcefully taken from their pockets and given to liberal causes and liberal candidates?

The Association of American Educators can help the independent minded teacher escape the grip of the NEA and any other liberal teacher union. Conservative teachers should not be forced to fund liberal causes and liberal candidates. Go to their website –  – and find out how The Association of American Educators can help.

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February 25, 2011

Title: Unions – Good or Bad?
Topic: Unions
Discussed by Tracey Bailey
with Association of American Educators (

Segment 1 of 2

How will the union strike in Wisconsin affect the teachers?  Tracey Bailey is the 1993 National Teacher of the Year – chosen from among 2.7 million public school teachers in the country.  Today, he discusses the current union strikes in Wisconsin and how it will affect the teachers in the state.

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Title: What Will Happen When the Strike is Over?
Topic: Unions
Discussed by Tracey Bailey
with Association of American Educators (

Segment 2 of 2

Who is really behind the strikes?   Are the Democrats pushing the strikes? Who wins? Who loses? How will the strike affect teachers across the country?

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