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July 31, 2017

Title: The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Robert Spencer
with Jihad Watch

Part 1 of 2

“Just stay quiet and you’ll be okay.” That’s what Mohammad Atta told the doomed airline passengers on 9/11. We hear the same haunting message today from the powerful but shadowy lobby that is working behind the scenes to gut the First Amendment and prohibit “hate speech” – or any criticism – of Islam.

Robert Spencer is a New York Times bestselling author and the director of Jihad Watch. He has written numerous books on the subject of Islam, including his newest book, “The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies)”.

Everyone, young and old, should listen to these segments today and pay close attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a war raging in America against our right to free speech? Who are the combatants?

Social media outlets like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, allow death threats against Christians and other groups to be voiced on their websites. However, these same outlets censor people who speak out against the religion of Islam or Jihadists. Is this a double-standard?

Under Sharia and core Islamic teachings, is criticism of Islam punishable by death?

Are blasphemy laws in Muslim countries used as a pretext for arresting and lynching Christians?

Do Christians just randomly kill Muslims in the name of their religion?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Robert Spencer
with Jihad Watch


Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it permissible to lie under Islamic Law?

Is it permissible to mistreat women under Islamic Law?

Is it permissible to kill an infidel (non-Muslim) under Islamic Law?

Why do many on the Left appear to be sympathetic to Islam and the Muslim people?

Does the Left despise Christians so vehemently that they will walk hand-in-hand with murderers and rapists?

If the Islamists kill all the Christians and Jews, will they then turn the Left – those who have “helped” their violent cause? Listen as Robert describes one specific example from 1979 Iran.

What can we do to prevent Shariah Law in America?

Click here  to order your copy of Robert Spencer’s newest book, “The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies)”.

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July 19, 2016

Title: The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Robert Spencer
with Jihad Watch

Part 1 of 2

New guest Robert Spencer, the Director of Jihad Watch, is an author, blogger, and a key figure of the counter-Jihad movement in the United States. He has led seminars on Islam and Jihad for the FBI, the US Central Command, United States Army Command and General Staff College, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the U.S. intelligence community.

Robert Spencer is the author of fifteen books, including the New York Times bestsellers “The Truth about Muhammad” and “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)”. His latest book is “The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran”. His books can be found here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Iran the breeding ground for terrorist activity?

Is the Iranian government an open enemy of the United States? HINT: It is a requirement for all citizens to chant “Death to America” every Friday in their mosques.

Does Iran confront U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf on a nearly daily basis?

Does Iran execute more of its citizens than any other nation?

What is the difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims? If they hate each other so much, why do they unite against us?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Robert Spencer
with Jihad Watch

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Iran’s “nuclear deal” a sheer capitulation to the mullahs? Robert Spence calls it the “worst agreement the United States has ever entered into.”

Is there a history of Iran’s long-standing support for terrorists? Is there any proof to this suggestion?

Why does Iran want nuclear weapons?

Has the Obama administration grossly underestimated the Iranian threat?

How can Iran’s Shi’ite terrorism be contained and its threat to the United States reduced?

Is Iran already at war with America?

The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran” exposes the true nature of the threat, lays out what America must do to defeat it, and provides all the information you need to know about America’s least understood yet potentially most lethal enemy. You can purchase Robert’s new book, as well as the many others he has written, here.

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October 13, 2009

Topic: Islamic Jihadists
Discussed by Dr. Andrew Bostom
with Jihad Watch

The Cairo Declaration from 1990 with 57 state collective signatures is the largest single voting bloc in the UN. What was it for?

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Topic: Islamic Jihadists
Discussed by Dr. Andrew Bostom
with Jihad Watch

Why should all non-Muslims fear the Cairo Declaration? Should we be alarmed by the growing number of Muslims and Muslims nations in the world?

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Topic: Islamic Jihadists
Discussed by Dr. Andrew Bostom
with Jihad Watch

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