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April 18, 2016

Title: The Government Ruins Nearly Everything
Topic: Book Review
Discussed by Laura Carno
with Laura Carno

What government touches, it breaks. So, why do we ask it to solve our most pressing and personal issues such as abortion, schools, guns, and marriage? Has the government’s failures with VA hospitals, the war on drugs, farm subsidies, the IRS, NSA leaks, and the war on poverty given us any reason to trust them? Author Laura Carno says, “Government Ruins Nearly Everything”,

The headlines are bursting with issues we know the government is not handling well. The four social issues which Laura examines in her book are: marriage, abortion, guns, and schools. “The left says government should stay out of abortion and marriage, but they should control guns and schools,” she states. “The rights says the government should stay out of guns and schools, but control abortion and marriage.” Who is right and who is wrong? Listen in as Laura reveals her strategy when scrutinizing these matters.

Laura encourages listeners to stop complaining and get out there and do something! You don’t have to quit your job and run a non-profit!! Take baby steps. For instance, if you are passionate about saving more babies from abortion, go sort through donated clothes and diapers or volunteer once a week to help counsel young women who are considering abortion.

If your main issue is government taking control over your children’s education, then start volunteering and getting to know the ins and outs of the system. Bureaucrats in WDC don’t know your kid – you do, your child’s teacher does, the principal does. “Parents get more control when parents have more choice,” Laura states.

To receive a copy of Laura’s great new book, “Government Ruins Nearly Everything”, click here.

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