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May 4, 2015

Title: The Patient Survival Handbook
Topic: Medical Errors
Discussed by Rick Stone
with Rick Stone (

Part 1 of 2

Cancer and heart disease are the top two killers in the US. Can you guess the third? Car accidents? Murders? Diabetes? Nope, nope, and nope. The third largest cause of death in the US is Death by Hospital.

Rick Stone and others at Synensis Health exist to help hospitals obtain and retain a zero injury goal. Rick says, “There are almost 400,000 preventable patient deaths every year in the US.” That is just the deaths! This number does not include infections caught while in the hospital, accidental falls, wrong medication given, and other errors. What do you think that number is? Listen in!

The fact of the matter is mistakes happen. But the situation could be a whole, whole, whole lot better! Physicians, nurses, and support staff really do go above and beyond to make you, the patient, as comfortable as possible in their goal to for you to be able to go home. Rick calls them “Heroes” and they are. People make too many assumptions and come to a conclusion too quickly when errors occur.

Rick says, “We need to think of ourselves as part of the care team, not just someone who is passively receiving medical care.”

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Patient Survival Handbook
Topic: Medical Errors
Discussed by Rick Stone
with Rick Stone (

In this second segment with Rick Stone, he gives the back-story of Synensis Health. His co-author’s father was diagnosed with cancer and….Well, just listen in to hear the sad story.

Rick also explains the various ways patients and their families can become involved in their care. Being actively engaged is such an important part of the recovery process. “Ask questions,” Rick says, “and never assume that what you’re being told is the absolute truth….And have an advocate there with you to be part of the team. It will maximize your safety.

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