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November 10, 2014

Title: Denton Voters Sold a Pack of Lies
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Chris Faulkner
with Breitling Oil and Gas (

Part 1 of 2

For the very first time, voters in an energy-friendly state voted to ban fracking. They were fed a pack of lies from the lefty environmentalists. Then they drank their Kool-Aid. Now, there is no going back.

What is in store for the good people of Denton who bought the lies and passed a fracking ban? Chris Faulkner is the CEO and Chairman of Breitling Oil and Gas found at  Chris explains how the people in Denton were not worried so much about the fracking practice, but about the area they were planning to drill and frack. Chris goes on to further state that this isn’t just an issue for Denton, but affects America as a whole and, yes, even the world.

There are approximately 275 active fracked wells in Denton County, Texas. Parents in Denton were saying their kids were having nose bleeds and asthma. Yet, not one parent reported a well behind their house. Not one parent went to the authorities to say water was causing health issues in their kids. However, when the commercials started about one new well being built their homes and schools and all the “bad” things fracking “supposedly” causes, the parents began a petition.

Okay. So, let’s look at the “Evidence” from the so-called experts:

The EPA and the Department of Interior have both stated that fracking has never – never – contaminated any of the more than 1,000,000 (1 MILLION) wells that have been fracked in the United States. Ohhhh, but the lefty environmentalists claim the EPA and DOI “abandoned” their studies because they were wasting too much time on them. Well, I hate to be a naysayer – actually I love to be a naysayer – but they had to abandon their studies because they couldn’t find the evidence! NOTE: This is not based on one study from the EPA or DOI. They have done THREE studies!

One of the more common arguments lefty environmentalists like to use is that fracking will cause the water in your kitchen to sink to explode. Chris points out that this has absolutely nothing to do with fracking, but rather methane gas in the ground that can (rarely) seep into the water supply. This has been happening long before the 1940’s, when the US first starting using fracking.

Listen in to the next segment with Chris Faulkner as he discusses private ownership land rights and what oil and gas companies must do if they want to drill on privately owned land. But what about the government? Are they required to pay a fair price for the oil and use of the land? Or can they just kick you out?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Denton Voters Sold a Pack of Lies
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Chris Faulkner
with Breitling Oil and Gas (

Every well in the United States of America has been fracked since the 1940’s. The majority of wells around the world are fracked, as well. In the US alone, this is over 1,000,000 (1 MILLION) wells. Less than 20,000 people in a county in Texas have decided the fate of fracking for the rest of the United States and the world. Less than 20,000 people.

In this second segment with Chris Faulkner, he discusses the mineral rights of oil and gas companies, what fracking or non-fracking means to the residents, and the future of both oil and gas companies and the residents who reside where wells are being drilled. Chris even mentions how he and other experts in the oil and gas industry went to the Denton City Council months ago, trying to negotiate different terms for the new wells. Surprise, surprise! There offers of a compromise were shot down every time!

The ban is set and in place, but the fight is far from over. One oil and gas company has already sued the city of Denton, saying then ban is unconstitutional. The RR commission is preparing to sue, as well. This ban is also going to affect every land owner in the city of Denton and Chris expects to see many other lawsuits pop up in the coming months and years. He says it’s interesting how all the lefty environmentalists who funded all the petitions and grass roots campaigns against fracking are long gone, leaving the small town of Denton, Texas, to field all the legal bills that are sure to arise on their own.

Chris says that because the ban on fracking has occurred in a Texas city, the lefty environmentalist media is having a field-day. The MSM is going absolutely crazy over this. Listen in as Chris discusses the serious ramifications of this ban that the majority of voters probably did not even think of before they voted for this ban.

You can find Chris Faulkner at  Educate yourself. Educate your friends. Share the truth. Don’t spread the lies.

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