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February 20, 2014

Title: Bigger Does Not Mean Better
Topic: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Discussed by Timothy Winter
with Parents Television Council

Part 1 of 2

Tim Winter, President of Parents Television Council, says this of the proposed Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger: “Combining Comcast and Time Warner Cable….will invariably be anti-consumer and anti-family. The end result will create the biggest media company in the world with control of nearly half of all TV sets in the country and would make what is already the biggest broadband provider even bigger.

Bigger does not mean better. Listen in to hear about certain price increases and their control over what you can and cannot watch.

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Title: Consumer Choice
Topic: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Discussed by Timothy Winter
with Parents Television Council

Part 2 of 2

Consumers are the ones who should have more control, which we’ve been saying for years through our support for a consumer cable choice solution that would allow consumers to choose and pay for only the cable networks they want.

Of course the major cable providers do not want to provide consumers a choice over what channels they will buy. But you might be surprised to learn who else is blocking this proposal!

Listen in to find out and then log on to  for more information.

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December 5, 2005

Title: It's un-American to have to pay for something you don't want or use!
Topic: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Discussed by Timothy Winter
with Parents Television Council

Why should you have to pay for channels you do not use or want? Why send your money to the producers of smut? Demand Cable Choice! Log onto

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July 7, 2005

Title: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Topic: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Discussed by Timothy Winter
with Parents Television Council

It is unAmerican to charge a customer for something he does not want, need or desire. If you agree, listen in. Why should you have to pay for cable channels you do not want, channels you do not want your children to watch. We are called to be good stewards with the resources that God has given us. Giving money to the makers of smut is not being a good steward. Listen in and learn how you can make a difference.

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June 29, 2005

Title: Parents Television Council
Topic: Cable Choice is Channel Choice
Discussed by Timothy Winter
with Parents Television Council

The Executive Director for the Parents Television Council,, explains that cable choice is channel choice.

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