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March 31, 2023

Title: What is the Methodist Church Becoming?
Topic: Methodist Church Dissolving
Discussed by John Lomperis
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 3

Leaders and members of the United Methodist Church have been in a heated battle for decades. The time has come for a complete split between the liberal and conservative members.

John Lomperis is the Director of UM Action, a publication of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. Today, John discusses reasons for the split and what churches can do to secure the future of their congregation before it’s too late.

Click here to read John Lomperis’ urgent letter on this matter.

Click here for even more information on the issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who owns the local United Methodist church property, including all assets within the church building?

Who appoints the pastor for each United Methodist church? Does the local congregation have a vote in who their pastor is?

There are only thirteen United Methodist Seminaries in the United States and only one can be considered “conservative”. Do the others waiver on sound Biblical doctrine, such as: the virgin birth, Jesus Christ as the only son of God, his resurrection, and even the inerrancy of scripture?

What are the social issues being discussed and debated? John discusses the two main issues of homosexuality and the ordination of non-celibate pastors, but reminds us: “It’s not just one sin; it’s any kind of sin.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What is the Methodist Church Becoming?
Topic: Methodist Church Dissolving
Discussed by John Lomperis
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How many church congregations have joined the new Global United Methodist Church (GUMC)?

When must local congregations decide whether or not they want to leave the current UMC and join the GUMC? John stresses the urgency for local congregations to make a decision NOW as the deadline is mere months away. Click here to contact your conference representative for more information.

If a congregation chooses to move to the GUMC, what will it cost? Is financing available?

Click here for financial assistance from the Wesleyan Investment Foundation.

Click here for help from the Texas Methodist Foundation.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What is the Methodist Church Becoming?
Topic: Methodist Church Dissolving
Discussed by John Lomperis
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it so imperative that local UMC congregations make a decision NOW to join the Global United Methodist Church? John has admitted that he personally advocated for staying within the United Methodist Church, but now truly believes a change is necessary due to what he calls “professional church killers”.

How much has the UMC shrunk over the past 50 years?

In John’s opinion, which side is most intolerant of the other? John reveals that he and other delegates to the UMC were forced to listen to a two-hour long “reeducation session” concerning LGBTQ issues. Listen to find out what they said!

Click here to help support the Institute on Religion and Democracy as they continue to spread the truth of the Gospel and advocate for democracy, human rights, and religious freedom.

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August 1, 2022

Title: Is the United Methodist Church in Trouble?
Topic: Methodist Church Dissolving
Discussed by John Lomperis
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 3

John Lomperis is the Director of UM Action, a publication by the Institute on Religion and Democracy. Today, John discusses the extreme measures the United Methodist Church is taking to be “all inclusive” and how their “wokeness” is leading to a major split.

Click here for more information about this topic from UM Action.

Click here for more information about the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the United Methodist Church about to split in two? Is the main disagreement over homosexual marriage?

What will each of the two main factions be called? John explains the differences between the new Global Methodist Church (this will be the traditional UMC) vs. United Methodist Church (this will be the “woke” UMC).

How are pastors of each local UMC congregation chosen?

Have the US United Methodist Seminaries become “woke”?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is the United Methodist Church in Trouble?
Topic: Methodist Church Dissolving
Discussed by John Lomperis
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

WWhat is Unitarian Universalism? Is this another reason the UMC is splitting? John explains that Unitarian Universalism is basically “a post-Christian religion without historic roots, denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, and is a belief in the universal salvation of all people with or without Christ.”

Do a majority of the UMC’s thirteen seminaries openly teach Unitarian Universalism?

Are the majority of UMC members split over the question of ordaining homosexual ministers?

Has this debate been going on for decades? John says: “People across the spectrum realize that we need to break up; it’s just a question of how.”

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is the United Methodist Church in Trouble?
Topic: Methodist Church Dissolving
Discussed by John Lomperis
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If a church votes to leave the current United Methodist denomination, who will then own the property? Will they be given the option to keep the property? John explains that time is definitely against those who want to leave.

Why should each current United Methodist Church member consider switching to the Global Methodist Church?

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