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July 13, 2022

Title: Churches and Sexual Abuse
Topic: Child Sexual Abuse
Discussed by Basyle “Boz” Tchividjian
with Boz Law (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

New guest Basyle “Boz” Tchividjian is the author of “Invitation: Billy Graham and the Lives God Touched” and the mini-book “Protecting Children from Abuse in the Church”.  He is also the co-author of “The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide”.

Today, Boz, the third eldest grandchild of Reverend Billy Graham, reveals some of the signs to look for in a child who has been sexually abused. He also discusses grooming, child sexual predators, and what the church must do to help victims and prevent sexual abuse within their sanctuary walls.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are 1-in-4 girls and 1-in-6 boys sexually abused before they turn 18? Boz explains that kids within the church are not exempt from this danger and horrific statistic.

Must churches step up and do more to protect the children who come through their doors?

What does a child sexual-abuser look like? Can they look like anyone?

What are some indicators that a child or teen is being sexually abused? Boz discusses aggressive behavior (not necessarily sexual behavior). He also stresses the importance of not dismissing or minimizing facts when a child expresses that they have been sexually abused.

Do many sexually abused children become abusers themselves?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Churches and Sexual Abuse
Topic: Child Sexual Abuse
Discussed by Basyle “Boz” Tchividjian
with Boz Law (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Must we educate the Christian community about the prevalence of child abuse and those who perpetrate such abuse? “We have no choice but to do that,” Boz says, reminding us that Jesus’ most condemning words were for those who harmed or neglected children.

Is child sexual abuse 75Xs more common than pediatric cancer?

TRUE OF FALSE: According to the Department of Justice, there is one child molester per square mile in the United States. Boz recommends parents research online how many sex offenders live in their neighborhood. Click here if you live in Texas.

Do most abusers only have one victim? Or do most abusers have multiple victims?

How many children between ages ten and seventeen have been sexually solicited online?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Churches and Sexual Abuse
Topic: Child Sexual Abuse
Discussed by Basyle “Boz” Tchividjian
with Boz Law (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there common characteristics of sexual abusers? Boz believes that people need to focus more on how the church can help victims than who the abusers are.

Do sexual abusers often pick out a victim and take time to groom him/her? Boz hates to admit it, but people in the church are too trusting! Listen as he explains why…

What is the church’s responsibility when it comes to screening volunteers and staff members? Can the church be held legally responsible if they do not screen properly? Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Can churches use “The Child Safeguarding Policy Guide”. to help implement safeguards and protect their kids and teens from sexual abuse within their sanctuary walls?

Is it an invasion of privacy for a church to review volunteers’ and staff members’ social media accounts?

Why is Boz such an advocate for children and teenagers on this issue? Click here to learn more about GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment).

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