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December 20, 2021

Title: Combatting Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Parker Stathatos
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

As Critical Race Theory continues to plague the nation’s K-12 public schools, parents, school boards, and educators discuss its presence in the classroom. While we should examine the implementation of Critical Race Theory, we must also trace how this knowledge is transferred to educators.

Parker Stathatos is a legislative fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He was a legislative director for a State Representative in Texas’ 87th Legislature. In the fall of 2020, Parker was a White House Intern in the Office of the Senior Advisor for Policy.

Parker continues to discuss the importance of stopping Critical Race Theory NOW before it balloons even further.

Click here  for more on this topic from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Every five years, teachers must complete 150 hours of professional development to renew their certificate to teach. What are these programs teaching our educators?

Are colleges and universities teaching Critical Race Theory to ALL students?

Who pays for the continuing education courses?

What are some examples of curriculum taught in Critical Race Theory courses? Pay close to attention! These topics are infuriating! PARENTS: GET INVOLVED NOW!

Are the Critical Race Theory activists blaming textbooks or teaching methods for racism?

Do we need educator’s that will teach the whole truth about America – the good, the bad, and the ugly?

If many teachers do not agree with Critical Race Theory, how can they teach it?

On the flip side… Are students comprising their convictions against Critical Race Theory in order to pass and get good grades? Parker describes his own experience in college with extremely far-left liberal professors…

How do we combat Critical Race Theory before it reaches the classroom?

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September 3, 2021

Title: Combatting Critical Race Theory
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Parker Stathatos
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

As Critical Race Theory continues to plague the nation’s K-12 public schools, parents, school boards, and educators discuss its presence in the classroom. While we should examine the implementation of Critical Race Theory, we must also trace how this knowledge is transferred to educators.

Parker Stathatos is a legislative fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He was a legislative director for a State Representative in Texas’ 87th Legislature. In the fall of 2020, Parker was a White House Intern in the Office of the Senior Advisor for Policy.

Parker continues to discuss the importance of stopping Critical Race Theory NOW before it balloons even further.

Click here  for more on this topic from the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Every five years, teachers must complete 150 hours of professional development to renew their certificate to teach. What are these programs teaching our educators?

Are colleges and universities teaching Critical Race Theory to ALL students?

Who pays for the continuing education courses?

What are some examples of curriculum taught in Critical Race Theory courses? Pay close to attention! These topics are infuriating! PARENTS: GET INVOLVED NOW!

Are the Critical Race Theory activists blaming textbooks or teaching methods for racism?

Do we need educator’s that will teach the whole truth about America – the good, the bad, and the ugly?

If many teachers do not agree with Critical Race Theory, how can they teach it?

On the flip side… Are students comprising their convictions against Critical Race Theory in order to pass and get good grades? Parker describes his own experience in college with extremely far-left liberal professors…

How do we combat Critical Race Theory before it reaches the classroom?

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