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June 7, 2024

Title: When a Man Loves a Woman: Fidelity with Benefits
Topic: Love, Marriage, and Family
Discussed by Anne Schlafly Cori
with Eagle Forum (

The lyrics of popular music have always centered on love and heartbreak. These emotional songs touch us because we all yearn for everlasting love.

Anne Schlafly Cori writes: “Love does not have to be fleeting. For love to last, fidelity is the key. Without fidelity, love is just a passing fancy. It is only with faithfulness and fidelity that we can find fulfillment.” Anne Schlafly Cori is the Chairman of Eagle Forum.

Click here  to read Anne Schlafly Cori’s op-ed “When a Man Loves a Woman: Fidelity with Benefits”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do we all yearn for everlasting love?

What is “fidelity with benefits”? Why is fidelity important?

Does fidelity increase our overall health and finances? Anne gives the cold, hard facts that many (especially those in the younger generation) don’t want to hear.

How can we demonstration faithfulness and fidelity to our family?

Are families a must for America’s survival? Anne reminds us that the Founders of our country actually based our government system on a self-sufficient family unit.

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March 1, 2024

Title: Is DEI Dead in America?
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Anne Schlafly Cori
with Eagle Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Anne Schlafly is the Chairman of Eagle Forum. Today, Anne discusses the fall of Progressive ideology in America.

Click here to read the op-ed from Anne Schlafly on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is DEI the Latin word for God?

Not too long ago, Progressives were “far-left” Democrats. Are they one-in-the-same now?

What is Diversity Equity Inclusion? Anne Schlafly breaks down and explains each word per the Lefts’ ideology.

Should public schools across America focus more on reading, writing, and arithmetic and less on DEI and CRT?

Is Critical Race Theory (CRT) uniting Americans or tearing us apart? Anne translates CRT as: Communist Radical Takeover.

NOTE: Click here to order the Eagle Forum bumper sticker “Question The Authorities”.

Is the sexualization of children a modern, progressive idea?

Does the Left often (almost always) squelch the free speech of anyone who disagrees with their ideology?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is DEI Dead in America?
Topic: Woke Progressives
Discussed by Anne Schlafly Cori
with Eagle Forum (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Anne Schlafly discusses the mission and purpose of Eagle Forum and what issues they are fighting hard for or against to help save America.

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September 6, 2023

Title: Reading is Fundamental
Topic: Reading Success
Discussed by Anne Schlafly Cori
with Eagle Forum (

Anne Schlafly Cori is the Chairman of Eagle Forum and the author of several books, including “Is Our Constitution in Jeopardy?” and “How to Speak Liberal”.

Today, Anne discusses the grim fact that more and more children in America cannot read at their grade level – or even read at all!

Click here to read the article on this topic from Anne Schlafly Cori.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Anne once hired an 11th grade student to work in her office. Did not being able to read affect her ability to perform her office duties?

More and more money is being poured into public education every year; yet, we have these grim statistics about reading and other subjects like math. Where does the money go? Anne explains that the money doesn’t go to the teachers (like it should be); it goes to the administrators.

A recent study found only 33% of American 4th-graders are scoring proficient or higher on reading tests. How is this possible? Did COVID lockdowns contribute to this problem?

Is there hope for children who cannot read? Anne admits that teaching many children to read in a classroom setting is difficult; however, tutoring is very helpful and urges parents to be the “tutor” with their children and read with them every day!

Can people truly succeed in life without knowing how to read?

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March 24, 2021

Title: Save Our Children
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Anne Schlafly Cori
with Eagle Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Children and their parents are being peddled the lie that they ought to mutilate their bodies to prevent suicide. However, science proves that the X or Y chromosomes are in every single cell in our bodies.

Anne Schlafly Cori is the Chairman for Eagle Forum. Today she discusses the worldwide “gender bender” movement and what Christians must do to protect their children.

Click here for more on this topic from Eagle Forum.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are our children being born in the wrong bodies?

Is changing or mutilating healthy tissue child abuse?

Dr. Rachel Levine is the new Health and Human Services Assistant Director. “She” is a man who dresses like a woman. What has Dr. Levine stated about this issue?

Children are not allowed to vote, drive, buy cigarettes or alcohol, or even visit a tanning bed. So why the push to allow them to choose and change their own gender?

Is “transgender” a social infection without science? Anne believes that most kids/teens who claim to be “transgender” do so due to peer pressure. It’s a trend that is costing lives.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Save Our Children
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Anne Schlafly Cori
with Eagle Forum (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is puberty a disease that needs hormone prescriptions?

FACT OR FICTION: People who change their biological sex are more likely to commit suicide.

Should this radical experimentation on children in the name of “medicine” be outlawed? Anne reminds us of the Tuskegee experiment…

Order your copy of “Sex, Lies, and Childrenhere.

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