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July 6, 2023

Title: New Strategies to Helping the Homeless
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Michele Steeb is senior fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and oversees the Foundation's initiative to transform homelessness policy in the United States and Texas. Today, Michele discusses what the Left is doing wrong and how we can fix it.

Click here to read the article in The Federalist which prompted this interview.

Click here for the latest from Michele Steeb at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the Left dead wrong about what homeless people really need? What is the Left’s solution to the growing homeless problem? Michele explains why the Left’s plan of a “house for everyone” is absolutely not the right solution.

What essential services are denied to the homeless due to misguided US policy? Has Housing and Urban Development (HUD) stopped all funding for these essential needs, moving all money to housing?

What does HUD require of communities in order to receive funding? Does HUD rely heavily on the homeless to “self-report”? How is that working? Click here for the “point-in-time count” from HUD.

If an organization receives federal funding, are they permitted to offer the homeless any type of assistance for essential needs such as food, clothing, or medical attention?

Click here to order a copy of Michele Steeb’s book, “Answers Behind the Red Door”.

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November 28, 2022

Title: Putting People First
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Part 1 of 2

Do good intentions actually do more harm than good? How can we truly help the homeless?

Michele Steeb is senior fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and oversees the Foundation's initiative to transform homelessness policy in the United States and Texas. She is also a noted public speaker and author of "Answers Behind the RED DOOR: Battling the Homelessness Epidemic".

Click here for the latest from Michele.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did the TPPF choose to use personal testimonies in their newest mini-documentary? Michele explains how it “clearly demonstrates the overall problem with current government policy towards emancipating the homeless from the bondage of living on the street”.

Click here to the first video the TPPF produced on this issue last year.

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Title: Addressing Homelessness by Putting People First
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

The US government’s Housing First approach discourages behavior change and no longer funds the treatment the homeless need to address their underlying struggles. What’s more, it ensures that nearly everyone who enters the homelessness system stays in it, as they are provided subsidized housing for life, without any expectation of healing and work – ever.

The Texas Public Policy Foundation is dedicated to helping ALL Texans, including those displaced on the streets. Their approach is to put people first, helping them become self-sustaining members of society.

Click here  to watch their latest mini-documentary, “Addressing Homelessness by Putting People First”.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Putting People First
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the government’s Housing First approach helping? Michele says: “It is clear…that it has failed.”

Why does the TPPF encourage a “people first” approach? How does this approach address the root cause of homelessness?

Are good intentions (such as a few dollars or a care bag) actually damaging to those living on the streets? Michele explains that it can help in the short-term, but we need to be careful that we aren’t making the homeless person “comfortable” with being homeless.

How can churches become more involved and focused on helping the homeless? Click here and here for more information about the Haven for Hope and Community First Village models for conquering homelessness.

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October 10, 2022

Title: Low Expectations Lead to Low Results
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Part 1 of 2

Michele Steeb is a Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, overseeing the foundation’s initiative to transform the homeless policy in Texas and across America. Michele is also the co-author of "Answers Behind the RED DOOR: Battling the Homelessness Epidemic."

Click here to read Michele’s op-ed “Low Expectations Lead to Low Results” on this serious issue affecting all Texans and Americans.

Click here to read more from Michele at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Since the rollout of the Housing First federal policy in 2013, have we condemned the homeless to remain homeless?

Does Housing First absolve the homeless from societal requirements? Michele discusses a few of the requirements that the homeless should be following, but most state agencies turn a blind eye as the homeless destroy their lives and even the cities they live in.

If a homeless person is given free housing for life without receiving the help they truly need for mental illness or addiction, will they ever “get better”?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Low Expectations Lead to Low Results
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the “housing first” initiative really be called “housing only”? Michele reveals that all the funds that had been allocated for services to the homeless have been moved to the housing first initiative, leaving the homeless to fend for themselves.

Did the federal government promise that the Housing First initiative would end homelessness within one decade? Yes. Has it helped? Absolutely not; in fact, the problem is worse!

What should be done immediately to help the homeless become self-sustaining members of society?

Do many homeless people die without receiving the help they desperately need?

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August 3, 2022

Title: More Housing Isn’t the Solution
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Part 1 of 3

For over thirteen years, Michele Steeb served as the Director for the Saint John’s Program for Real Change in California, helping and supporting homeless women and children. She worked tirelessly to provide mental health services, educational assistance, and extensive hands-on employment training in an effort to bring about real and lasting change.

Today, Michele discusses what has worked, what hasn’t worked, and what must be done to offer further assistance to the homeless population in America. She is currently a Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and oversees its initiative to transform the homeless policy in Texas and across America.

Click here to read more on this issue from Michele Steeb.

Click here to order your copy of Michele Steeb’s book, “Answers Behind the RED DOOR: Battling the Homeless Epidemic”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does giving the ‘street person’ five dollars, a raincoat, or a blanket really help them long-term? “Human connection is very, very important,” she says, so that can be helpful in the short-term. However, most homeless people struggle with mental or health problems and hose are the issues that need to be addressed.

What is the Saint John’s Program for Real Change? What is the Federal Housing First program? Michele explains the difference between the two – and why one is successful and one is failing.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - More Housing Isn’t the Solution
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the Federal Housing First program focus most of their attention on simply providing a cot and a roof to the homeless?

What were the results of a study of the homeless population in Boston over a fourteen-year period? Michele explains why it is difficult to know the full spectrum of issues affecting the homeless and whether or not they stick with the “program” (aka seek mental health, see a doctor, stay on their meds, quit drinking/doing drugs). However, the Boston study was different in a GOOD way.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - More Housing Isn’t the Solution
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where do we go from here? How can churches help? How can individuals truly help the homeless? Michele explains that education is key. “Housing First as a one-size-fits-all will never work,” she says. She also urges everyone to contact their elected officials on the local level and even volunteer with organizations that help the homeless. Click here to find an organization near you.

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April 29, 2022

Title: Helping the Homeless
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Part 1 of 3

Many people just turn away from the homeless, because they don’t know what to do. What is the BEST way to help the homeless?

Michele Steeb is a Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, overseeing the Foundation’s initiative to transform homelessness policy in the United States and in Texas. Today she discusses various ways we can help the homeless that will have a true impact on their lives and their future.

Click here to read Michele’s op-ed “Why Converting Hotels into Homeless Housing Doesn’t Usually Work.”

Click here to read more from Michele Steeb on this and other topics.

Click here to purchase of Michele’s book, “Answers Behind the RED DOOR: Battling the Homeless Epidemic.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are the homeless? Michele explains that there are many factors that come into play and stresses the importance of treating the issues because they are human beings just like we are.

What is the “bell curve”? Michele will continue with this in the second segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Helping the Homeless
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Michele continues to discuss the “bell curve”, who the homeless are, and how they became homeless.

Why is the “housing first” mantra from the Left ineffective and flat-out wrong? Michele recently wrote this in response to this issue: “Subsidized housing is leftists’ number-one solution to homelessness. But despite historic outlays in California and elsewhere, governments’ attempts to house their way out of the growing crisis have thus far floundered.”

If free housing is so readily available, why don’t many homeless take advantage of it?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Helping the Homeless
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What positive ways can Texas turn its attention to truly solving the homeless problem one person at a time? Michele discusses the importance of treating each individual person, not treating all the homeless as one group.

Michele ran a successful program for the homeless in Sacramento, California, for thirteen years. Why was that program so successful? Are there other programs across the country that are similar and thriving, as well?

Is Michele hopeful that the Texas Legislature will propose positive changes to the homeless epidemic?

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April 14, 2022

Title: Helping the Homeless
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Part 1 of 3

Many people just turn away from the homeless, because they don’t know what to do. What is the BEST way to help the homeless?

Michele Steeb is a Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, overseeing the Foundation’s initiative to transform homelessness policy in the United States and in Texas. Today she discusses various ways we can help the homeless that will have a true impact on their lives and their future.

Click here to read Michele’s op-ed “Why Converting Hotels into Homeless Housing Doesn’t Usually Work.”

Click here to read more from Michele Steeb on this and other topics.

Click here to purchase of Michele’s book, “Answers Behind the RED DOOR: Battling the Homeless Epidemic.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are the homeless? Michele explains that there are many factors that come into play and stresses the importance of treating the issues because they are human beings just like we are.

What is the “bell curve”? Michele will continue with this in the second segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Helping the Homeless
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Michele continues to discuss the “bell curve”, who the homeless are, and how they became homeless.

Why is the “housing first” mantra from the Left ineffective and flat-out wrong? Michele recently wrote this in response to this issue: “Subsidized housing is leftists’ number-one solution to homelessness. But despite historic outlays in California and elsewhere, governments’ attempts to house their way out of the growing crisis have thus far floundered.”

If free housing is so readily available, why don’t many homeless take advantage of it?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Helping the Homeless
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What positive ways can Texas turn its attention to truly solving the homeless problem one person at a time? Michele discusses the importance of treating each individual person, not treating all the homeless as one group.

Michele ran a successful program for the homeless in Sacramento, California, for thirteen years. Why was that program so successful? Are there other programs across the country that are similar and thriving, as well?

Is Michele hopeful that the Texas Legislature will propose positive changes to the homeless epidemic?

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February 4, 2022

Title: What is Fueling the Homeless Crisis?
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Part 1 of 3

Michele Steeb is a Senior Fellow with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, overseeing the Foundation’s initiative to transform homelessness policy in the United States and in Texas.

Michele transformed a struggling shelter for homeless women and children into one of the nation’s beacons of success. Saint John’s is a comprehensive 18-month program, helping homeless women and their children actively address and overcome the root causes of their homelessness.

Click here to read more on this issue from Michele Steeb.

Michele is also the author of “Answers Behind the Red Door: Battling the Homeless Epidemic”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

It’s hard to drive more than a few miles without seeing at least one person on the side of the road with a street sign, asking for food, money, or a job. Are many of these people truly homeless?

Do we actually know how many people are homeless and for how long? Michele explains why it is difficult to know the true number of homeless people.

How much money is spent each year in the United States on homelessness? Michele breaks down some of the larger cities in the US and how much they spend each year and how much they plan to spend in the near future.

Is homelessness increasing or decreasing after spending upwards of $50 BILLION on the issue each year?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What is Fueling the Homeless Crisis?
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some of the major factors that we can attribute to homelessness? Michele discusses: drug and alcohol addiction, poor education and coping skills, and mental illness. Other major causes are criminal histories, domestic violence, and mental and sexual abuse.

Is homelessness generational? Michele tells the story of sisters who sought her help…

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What is Fueling the Homeless Crisis?
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is teaching people how to fish easier said than done? Michele reveals that this is actually not allowed per government policy!

What are several take-aways from Michele’s book: Answers Behind the Read Door: Battling the Homeless Epidemic”?

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September 21, 2020

Title: Housing First Policy a Disaster
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Part 1 of 3

Austin recently launched a new campaign: “A Week of Action to Support Ending Homelessness.” Sounds great, right? Hold on a minute….

NNew guest, Michele Steeb, says there are multiple problems with this program. Michele is a Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. She has been given many awards, including the Martin Luther King Difference Maker Award. Michele is the author of “Answers Behind the Red Door”.

For more from Michele Steeb on this issue click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the national Housing First Policy? What is its purpose/goal?

Approximately how many people are currently homeless in America? Will more become homeless as the COVID lockdown continues?

What are the problems with the Housing First Policy?

Is lacking a home the reason most people are homeless? Or is the problem rooted in mental illness, criminal history, and/or addiction? Michele says this: “If you don’t address the underlying issues, you will never, ever help someone exit out of homelessness.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Housing First Policy a Disaster
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the Saint John’s Program for Real Change?

How has the program given real hope and change to the participants?

Does the program focus on “people” rather than “housing”?

Why doesn’t the program qualify for federal funding? The reason will make your blood boil! Listen close…

Has the Housing First Policy increased or decreased homelessness in America?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Housing First Policy a Disaster
Topic: Homelessness
Discussed by Michele Steeb
with Michele Steeb (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the Housing First Policy an utter failure?

Is Austin emulating the national Housing First Policy?

Why is it imperative to address the underlying issues homeless people struggle with before offering free or low-cost housing?

Click here for more information about Michele’s new book coming soon, “Answers Behind the Red Door”.

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