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January 29, 2020

Title: Who Will You Vote For?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Wesley Hunt
with Wesley Hunt (

The fight to take back Congressional District 7 is rounding the bend and heading towards the home stretch. Six candidates are reaching out to the voters in an attempt to win their vote in the upcoming Republican Primary. CD 7 is John Culberson’s old seat, which he lost to a Democrat in November 2018.

This is part 3 of candidate Wesley Hunt’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The economy is booming and Democrats are laser-focused on destroying the economy to defeat Trump, hurting millions of American workers. They don’t care. What’s the solution?

Democrats want to outlaw drilling and do away with fossil fuels, creating higher fuel and energy costs. Is this a practical and workable solution for short and mid-term?

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Title: Who Will You Vote For?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Wesley Hunt
with Wesley Hunt (

The fight to take back Congressional District 7 is rounding the bend and heading towards the home stretch. Six candidates are reaching out to the voters in an attempt to win their vote in the upcoming Republican Primary. CD 7 is John Culberson’s old seat, which he lost to a Democrat in November 2018.

This is part 4 of candidate Wesley Hunt’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Some Democrats want to outlaw the ownership of private property. What is your opinion on this issue?

Why not your opponent?

Why should voters cast their vote for you?

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January 28, 2020

Title: Cindy Siegel and Wesley Hunt (more to follow)
Topic: Primary: CD 7 Interviews
Discussed by Wesley Hunt
with Wesley Hunt (

Part 1 of 2

The fight to take back Congressional District 7 is rounding the bend and heading towards the home stretch. Six candidates are reaching out to the voters in an attempt to win their vote in the upcoming Republican Primary. CD 7 is John Culberson’s old seat, which he lost to a Democrat in November 2018.

This is part 1 of candidate Wesley Hunt’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why should voters cast their vote for you?

Police officers throughout our area are stating that criminals have a revolving door due to “catch and release” or no bond/very low bond amounts. Many police officers are very discouraged. How do we keep our wives, daughters, and everyone safe?

Millions and millions around the world see America as the land of opportunity not afforded to them where they live now. Where do we draw the line in terms of immigration, legal and/or illegal?

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Title: Who Will You Vote For?
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Wesley Hunt
with Wesley Hunt (

Will Cindy Siegel or Wesley Hunt, or one of the other four Republican Candidates, face the Democrat in November? Their interviews continue…. more candidate interview to follow leading up to the Primary.

This is part 2 of candidate Wesley Hunt’s interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Men and women have seen their take-home pay shrink because of ever-increasing health insurance premiums since Obamacare was passed by the Democrats. What can you do to lower these costs for Texans?

Leading Democrats want to outlaw private and employer provided health insurance. Why do they want to do this?

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