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April 13, 2018

Title: Planned Parenthood Leader: Adopt Don’t Shop
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Kelly Marcum
with Family Research Council (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Believe it or not, Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards is a huge believer in adoption. Recently, before heading out on a national book tour, the boss of America's richest abortion business decided to act out the title of her new memoir: “Make Trouble”. In a Twitter post that struck most people as either incredibly insensitive or shockingly unaware, Richards took a moment to pitch compassion.

For dogs.

New guest Kelly Marcum is the Government Affairs Legislative Assistant at the FRC, handling life issues as well as abstinence education and pornography.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Cecile Richards recently tweeted: “Adopt Don’t Shop”. Is this the ultimate display of hypocrisy by a national leader within the liberal/progressive movement?

Is Cecile Richards on record supporting abortions at any time and for any reason up to the moment of birth?

Would P.E.T.A. go ballistic if animal shelters ripped kittens and puppies apart?

Are most abortions in the third trimester performed by ripping the baby apart inside the mother’s womb?

Is this a more appropriate slogan: “Adopt Don’t chop”? Or, would people go ballistic over that?

Why are millennials becoming more pro-life?

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