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October 26, 2016

Title: The Morality and Virtues of Capitalism and the Firm
Topic: Capitalism
Discussed by Fred Smith, Jr.
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Capitalism operates in the real world through its key institution: the firm or corporation. Capitalism, of course, must consider the values and wants of everyone in its community – customers, employees, suppliers, and investors.

The Founder of Competitive Enterprise Institute, Fred Smith, Jr, will be explaining capitalism in more detail and why we must defend it with our whole being.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does capitalism need defending?

What is the “Great Enrichment (or Enhancement)” from the 1750’s? What happened when the government got involved?

Is the American civil justice system important to capitalism?

What are some of the morals and virtues of capitalism?

Do the citizens of America need to hear an effective defense of capitalism?

Is there a better, purer economic system other than capitalism?

Who can become a capitalist or entrepreneur?

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