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July 18, 2016

Title: America’s Failed Energy Policies and the Reason Why
Topic: Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Dr. James Rust
with Heartland Institute (

Obama’s ideas on energy reform are “based upon curtailing use of fossil fuels, in particular coal, due to fears carbon dioxide produced from combustion cause catastrophic global warming,” writes Dr. James Rust, with the Heartland Institute. He is a retired nuclear engineering professor with over 50 years of experience in areas related to energy policy.

Listen in as Dr. Rust discusses the President’s energy policies and why he and others are just flat wrong.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Obama’s energy policy based upon?

Is there evidence that fossil fuels cause catastrophic global warning? Dr. Rust calls is “garbage in and garbage out.”

Did the Progressive, Democrat controlled Presidency cause the collapse of the oil prices worldwide? Or, did the focus of the oil industry drilling more wells in the US cause the collapse of the oil prices worldwide?

President Obama has stated that we need to exploit “every available source of American energy – oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, biofuels, and more.” Is this really double-speak and was Obama disingenuous?

Is there much research showing that it requires more energy to make Ethanol than is contained in the product? Dr. Rust warns that “bad things are in our future” if we allow the government to increase the amount of Ethanol in gasoline. Listen in as he explains.

Do electric cars really help reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Should new nuclear plants be part of the equation for reducing our dependency on fossil fuels?

Is the administration “riding the wrong horse” with regards to its energy policy?

You can read Dr. James Rust’s op-ed on this topic here.

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