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May 24, 2016

Title: America Chooses a Reflection of Itself
Topic: Presidential Politics
Discussed by Rabbi DB Ganz
with The Daily Caller News Foundation

Part 1 of 2

Does the viability, the vitality, and the achievements of Western Civilization have, as their cornerstone, the Judeo-Christian ethical system which is founded on the moral principles of the Bible?

New guest, Rabbi DB Ganz, is with us today to discuss The 10 Commandments and the 2016 Presidential Candidates. In his recent article with the Daily Caller, “Two Secularists Who Don’t Know The Bible: America Chooses Reflections Of Itself,  Rabbi Ganz quoted Winston Churchill on the issue of traditional values. Concerning this quote, Rabbi Ganz says: “He’s talking about the culture of Christianity. We owe the basic core values to Jewish culture. This was the basis of a civilization that was built upon the ashes of Rome.

We definitely enjoy many kinds of freedom in America, but there has been a steady erosion of Judeo-Christian values. Rabbi Ganz believes that the 2016 Presidential candidates are a direct reflection of this decline. Listen in as he compares the state of affairs to the development of a child. Rabbi Ganz also discusses The Ten Commandments and how people have twisted them around to mean something completely different than what God intended. He will continue with this topic in the next segment.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - America Chooses a Reflection of Itself
Topic: Presidential Politics
Discussed by Rabbi DB Ganz
with The Daily Caller News Foundation

How many of The Ten Commandments can you quote?

Rabbi DB Ganz’s article is a truth-telling piece that should convict everyone. The Ten Commandments were written for a reason. They were included in the Bible for a reason. They are placed in and around court houses across America for a reason. They are studied in Bible School for a reason.

Listen in as Rabbi Ganz reflects on the remaining Ten Commandments and their importance to the survival – and revival – of America.

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