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February 25, 2016

Title: The Future of the FCC
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by Deborah Collier
with Citizens Against Government Waste  (

Is the way you watch TV about to change? If the FCC has its way, then yes! And not for the better. What about the internet and our computers? Even cell phones aren’t safe anymore from the prying eyes of the government.

New guest, Deborah Collier, serves as the Director of Technology and Telecommunications Policy for Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization representing more than one million members and supporters nationwide. Deborah specializes in information technology and telecommunications policy with a primary focus on cloud computing, IT procurement, information security, data privacy, broadband spectrum allocations, network neutrality, cable industry issues, e-commerce, and emerging technologies. Basically, if an issue involves the IT world, she knows about it.

Deborah is here today to discuss a very serious issue which should concern us all. In her opinion, the Federal Communications Commission is moving us backward in the area of cable television. The FCC wishes to use a third party to track our viewing habits. Yep, that’s right, folks! The FCC wants to be in your living room. This is all for advertisement purposes.

Let’s put it in this perspective: If you use a smart phone and are active at all on Facebook or Twitter, when you “check-in” to a place, that “check-in” is logged into the memory data bank of that social website – and your cell phone! Have you noticed that lately your Facebook account automatically knows where you are? Whether it be at home, church, the movies, or a restaurant, your phone is tracking you. Also, you may have noticed specific ads in your newsfeed based on what websites you have visited – or even the silly food videos you watch and save!

That is the same way it will be with your television set. A third party, which your cable provider hires, will be able to see what shows you watch, what commercials you watch (before you flip the channel), and when you watch the shows. Then, advertisements based on the shows and commercials you view will be shown to you – through your tv set. This is scary, folks. It’s bad enough with our cell phones. Now they want into our actual homes.

In addition, Deborah reveals that cable costs will need to increase in order to compensate the third parties doing the advertisement research. So yay! That’s more good news. [sarcasm]

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