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November 29, 2016

Title: Will Trump Keep His Promises on Obamacare?
Topic: Donald Trump Promises
Discussed by Michael Hamilton
with Heartland Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Millions of voters put their trust in Donald Trump, believing that he will put an end to the Obamacare debacle. Will he hold to that promise?

Michael Hamilton is a Research Fellow at the Heartland Institute. He is also the managing editor of Health Care News, author of the weekly Consumer Power Report, and host of the Health Care News Podcast. Michael will be discussing Donald Trump’s campaign promises and the progress already being made to end Obamacare.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a difference in repealing vs. replacing Obamacare?

Should any American be forced to buy health insurance?

What did Justice John Roberts do with the decision regarding Obamacare?

Why are more and more people dropping out of the healthcare mandate and choosing to instead pay the fine?

Listen as Michael also explains and clarifies the “30-hour work-week” mandate which requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide health insurance.

Under Obamacare, all health care policies (with few exceptions) must cover abortions and contraceptives. Why should this be immediately removed?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Will Trump Keep His Promises on Obamacare?
Topic: Donald Trump Promises
Discussed by Michael Hamilton
with Heartland Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Could just a handful of RINO’s block a full repeal of Obamacare?

Could Donald Trump declare an executive action to repeal Obamacare? Would it stick?

Should insurers be allowed to offer plans across state lines?

Would it be beneficial to make health insurance premiums tax deductible for individuals, as they are for employers?

Why is price transparency from health care providers important?

Many current exchange providers are going bankrupt and leaving the system all-together. Should they be funded through other means? Listen as Michael Hamilton explains the “judgement fund” and how the Justice Department can use this to settle claims against the United States government.

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February 8, 2016

Title: Obamacare is Failing – Miserably
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Michael Hamilton
with Heartland Institute (

Obamacare is failing – miserably. Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) became law in 2010, millions of Americans have been forced to obtain a new – often inferior – health insurance plan. Health insurance premiums have risen dramatically, especially for young adults, and many health insurance companies operating in the Obamacare exchanges have lost millions of dollars. The nation’s largest health insurer, UnitedHealth Group, recently announced it is expecting losses totaling more than $500 million on its 2016 Obamacare plans.

New guest, Michael Hamilton, is the managing editor of Heath Care News  with the Heartland Institute. Michael says there are two categories of people who are feeling the real brunt of Obamacare: The average taxpaying citizen and small business owners. Michael discusses a recent survey conducted by Level Funded Health. Of the more than 2,500 small business questioned, over 85% had an increase of over 25% in their premium rates! The statistics just get worse from there. Listen in!

Now, it is one thing to have an insurance card and health coverage. But what good does it do if you can’t use it? If your doctor doesn’t accept your insurance, you have to find one who does! Many doctors are even opting out of accepting insurance all-together, especially Medicaid of Medicare. Michael Hamilton says, “The government can do three things well: protect life and liberty and property. But what we’ve seen with Obamacare…it’s done the opposite with all three of those things.” People are less free to do what they want with their money in regards to healthcare.

There is hope on the horizon, however. Michael believes it is imperative for everyone to get as many people to vote this March 1 and November 8. “Americans must continue to call out the truth about policies that are being enacted,” he warns.

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