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December 17, 2015

Title: Redefining the Word “Employee”
Topic: Redefining Employees
Discussed by Trey Kovacs
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Just when we thought Obama was done messing with the American people, he comes up with a new one. This time, he’s going after contract hires and employees of small businesses. No, this isn’t about Obamacare. This is actually about his desire to completely redefine the word “employee”.

People who work for small businesses and franchises are the back-bone of the workforce. There are millions of Americans who are classified as “contract employees”. Trey Kovacs, a policy analyst with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, warns, “We shouldn’t be hampering this part of the economy with more regulations.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has three Democrat and two Republican committee members appointed by Obama. These five members of the NLRB recently changed what the joint-employer liability entails. “We are going to see a lot of down-sizing. They are not going to open more franchises, which will not allow for more job openings,” Trey says. This is important information that everyone should pay attention to, even if you are not directly involved, because this is a blatant push to form more unions across America. Listen in as Trey explains the details and why everyone should be concerned.

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