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November 20, 2015

Title: Five Infuriating Facts About Federal Regulations
Topic: Government Control
Discussed by Wayne Crews
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Wayne Crews is Vice President for Policy and Director of Technology Studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Crews is the author of the yearly report: Ten Thousand Commandments. We like to have experts as guests on the show, and Crews definitely qualifies. He discusses the current cost of regulating all the government agencies. HINT: It’s pretty dang high. Wayne jokingly says, “There will always be an America, but it won’t always be here.” But is he right?

Wayne reveals how the biggest money-grabbers are the EPA and the labor department. Also, if you thought Obamacare was an impossibly long read…The current book of regulations has surpassed 70,000 pages! This is completely outrageous.

Listen in as Wayne discusses three of the five infuriating facts about federal regulations (there are actually a lot more, but these are the doozies): 1) cost to taxpayers in 2014: $1.88 Trillion; 2) would be the 10th largest economy in the world; and 3) cost to each household: nearly $15,000 per year. Click [here]  to learn more!

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