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July 24, 2015

Title: Eating Salad and Selling Baby Parts
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Dr. Omar Hamada
with Dr. Omar Hamada (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

By now, the majority of listeners to The What’s UP Radio Program have seen or heard about the two videos where a Planned Parenthood official is allegedly attempting to sell body parts of aborted fetuses. Most people are not only shocked by this claim, but even more astonished that one woman (a license physician) was talking about the issue while eating a salad and drinking wine!

As an OBGYN, Dr. Omar Hamada has taken the “Hippocratic Oath” to do no harm. Different states and even different medical universities have various versions of the Hippocratic Oath – some more in depth than others. Also, whether or not the oath is upheld and followed is left up to each individual physician. But should medical professionals be held liable for their actions when something as unethical as selling baby body parts is discovered?

As far as Dr. Hamada knows, it is against the law to sell baby body parts. Against The Law. So, why are PP doctors bragging about selling them? Are they so confident in themselves to think no one would take issue with this? Dr. Hamada says, “It’s gotten to the point that even people who aren’t necessarily pro-life are seeing the atrocities and unethical nature of this.” Is there hope for the unborn in the future?

We can no longer ignore the cries of the unborn. We can longer ignore the fact that millions of precious lives are being torn apart and burned while inside their mother’s womb. We must reach out the mothers who feel they have no other choice than to murder their unborn child. We must reach out to the doctors and nurses who have been blinded and desensitized to what they are doing.

Dr. Omar Hamada and his wife, Tara, have been married for nineteen years and have four children. He served fourteen years in the US Army, ten spent with the Special Forces. Omar is also an ordained minister and is currently studying to receive his MA in Theological Studies from Columbia Biblical Seminary. He has a MD from the University of Tennessee College of Medicine and serves with the American Academy of Family Physicians, the International College of Surgeons, and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can learn more about Dr. Omar Hamada [here].

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