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June 19, 2015

Title: Employers: Be on Guard
Topic: Discrimination in the Workplace
Discussed by Paul Lopez
with Tripp Scott Law Firm (

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact the Tripp Scott Law Firm.

Paul Lopez is a director with the South Florida law firm of Tripp Scott and the chair of the firm’s litigation department. Paul Lopez was directly involved in the case regarding the young woman who sued Abercrombie and Fitch over her hijab, or headscarf, worn for religious reasons.

Paul describes some of the details of the case. The issue of the headscarf, for example, never even came up during the interview; neither did the applicant’s religious preference. However, the Supreme Court of the United States, in an 8-1 decision, still ruled in her favor!

Will this harm all businesses in the future? Should companies re-word their employee contracts and handbooks so they don’t get sued by a random person walking in from the street applying for a job? There are up to 70 different languages being spoken in Harris County alone! Employers cannot be expected to anticipate someone from up to 70 different cultures walking into their business to apply for a job and the ramifications that may follow if they choose not to hire them.

This case has opened up Pandora’s Box. What will happen next? SCOTUS has told Abercrombie and Fitch they must make accommodations for this young woman (and any others) to wear her headscarf. This also brings up the struggle some Christians have with working alongside homosexuals. Listen in as Paul Lopez discusses this hot topic as well.

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