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May 14, 2015

Title: Good News for Texans!
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Leigh Thompson
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Good news for Texans! HB40 was passed in both the House and Senate with overwhelming support and is now headed to the Governor’s desk for his signature. What is HB40 and why is it good for Texans? Leigh Thompson, with the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, has been following the bill.

Historically, the Railroad Commission has been misunderstand and honestly did not oversee some areas which they should have. Leigh says, “The Legislature has taken much-needed action against abusive municipal regulations and outright bans on fracking and solidified Texans’ right to develop the minerals beneath their land in commercially reasonable ways.” Now, the Railroad Commission will be in charge of oil and gas exploration, development, and production. Why is this such a big deal? Leigh Thompson explains!

Fracking has been receiving some bad press lately. Leigh says, “There are numerous studies that are attempting to create a link (between fracking and earthquakes) but they typically rely only on correlation.” She explains further how none of the studies can prove the connection between fracking and earthquakes.

For more on this and other issues affecting our great state, click [here]. 

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April 10, 2015

Title: Is Brackish Water the Answer?
Topic: Brackish Water
Discussed by Leigh Thompson
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The demographers are predicting the population in Texas will DOUBLE by 2050. Since ZERO new water reservoirs/dams are being built in America (due to environmentalists’ objection), will there be enough water to drink, bathe, and cook with? California has been overrun by the left; therefore they are experiencing a devastating drought. They can’t build lakes or use ground water because it’s “bad” for the environment. Will Texas be the next California?

Will brackish groundwater be the answer? Leigh Thompson is a policy analyst with the Armstrong Center for Energy and the Environment at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.  She says, “It is estimated that there are 880 TRILLION gallons of water beneath Texas.” Leigh explains what that means for Texas for the next 150 years.

But how much does it cost to use brackish water and purify it? Is the effort and cost worth it? Listen in as she gives more details and why she believes it definitely is worth it. Leigh says, “Without the use of brackish water, we would see very restrictive use on water in the near future.” There are several bills on the table in the Texas Legislature concerning brackish water. For more information, go to Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Leigh Thompson’s report on this topic can be found [here].

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March 11, 2015

Title: Denton Bans Fracking. What's Next?
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Leigh Thompson
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The good people of Denton, Texas, think they are too good for fracking. Leigh Thomson, with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, argues that they are not – nor is anyone! The people of Denton, and other cities across the nation, have given in to the fear-mongering from the environmentalists. It’s nothing more than that: fear-mongering. Period.

Over a million wells in the United States have been fracked since the 1940’s. There are 33,000 fracked wells in Texas alone. It has been proven that not a single well has been contaminated due to fracking. It has been proven that fracking has not cause a single earthquake. The environmentalists are trying to blame recent unexplained earthquakes in Connecticut on fracked wells. The only problem is: Connecticut doesn’t have fracked wells! Oops! Caught lying again!

Back to Denton, Texas… Several months ago, scientists gave the citizens “facts” about fracking which resulted in a total ban on the practice. Are they now regretting this decision? Leigh discusses what the City of Denton has discovered about their future now that fracking has been banned. In fact, the day after the ban was finalized, the city of Denton was sued! Why?

Listen in as Leigh explains how the new city law contradicts state law and therefore should be invalid. There has even been some bills filed in the Texas Legislature concerning the issue, so it must be a big deal!

To read Leigh Thompson’s full report on this issue, click [here].

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