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February 13, 2015

Title: America Needs a Conservative Not Another RINO!
Topic: Conservative vs RINOs
Discussed by Shari McCartney
with Tripp Scott Law Firm (

Part 1 of 2

The Presidential Primary of 2016 will be here before we know it. A handful of Conservatives have already thrown their name in the hat. What do you think about the choices so far? Will one of the good ones battle it out with the Dems in November or will we have another RINO on the ballot?

Shari McCartney is a former Bush administration attorney and has experience with the US Department of Health and Human Services. She is currently a practicing attorney with the Tripp Scott Law Firm in Florida. Florida is part of the Super Tuesday voting crowd, along with Texas, which means we will hold our primaries on the first Tuesday in March. Only Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina can hold their primary elections in February, just for a bit of political education.

Shari says that not every candidate who has expressed interest is a true Conservative. We have show-boaters. We have lame ducks. We have RINO’s. We also have some good ones.

Money usually plays a big part in who keeps on trucking after the first few primary elections, especially after Super Tuesday. However, Shari believes that with the smorgasbord of potential candidates this time around, money might not be such an important factor. Getting themselves out there among the people, showing their human side, and really listening to what voters have to say about the issues is more important.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - America Needs a Conservative Not Another RINO!
Topic: Conservative vs RINOs
Discussed by Shari McCartney
with Tripp Scott Law Firm (

It is way past time to focus on just one or two candidates and stop allowing anybody and everybody to run for President of the United States! This may seem obvious, but this has unfortunately been the norm for the past several election cycles. The more choices we have, the less likely it is that one of the truly good ones will make it to the final round.

What is Shari’s opinion on some of the candidates? Jeb Bush – good, bad, or ugly? How about Scott Walker? Rand Paul? Chris Christie? Rick Perry? Marco Rubio? Dr. Ben Carson? Jindal? Ted Cruz? Huckabee? Santorum? See?? There are a lot of candidates to choose from!!

Don’t just take Shari’s word for it. Or even Terry’s! Do the research for yourself. Call the candidate’s headquarters to get answers to the tough questions. Make an informed decision. Don’t just blindly follow the pack. And get involved! Don’t wait til next February to start pushing for the candidate you like the best. Get a T-shirt. Get a bumper sticker. Get a yard sign. Tell everyone you meet why you are voting for so-and-so.

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