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March 26, 2015

Title: Are Fair Elections just a Myth?
Topic: Fair Elections
Discussed by Jess Fields
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In recent years, Texans have debated how to ensure fair elections. This debate, though, centered on Voter ID Laws, which many viewed as racist and discriminatory. Now, the focus has turned to election dates and locations. Jess Fields is a former College Station City Councilman. He is now the Senior Policy Analyst in the Center for Local Governance at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Jess discusses three main issues concerning elections in today’s interview.

In regards to voter turnout for issues of less importance, such as bonds or state board, Jess says this: “It’s really a question of when people are thinking about elections and when they are expecting the vote to occur.” More people vote in November than in May. He gives several examples of elections held in different counties in Texas that will shock many people.

Another issue of debate concerning elections is “rolling voting locations”. If you are unfamiliar with this term, listen in as Jess Fields explains why this is a disadvantage to voters and why he believes they need to disappear. “They (rolling voting locations) are questionable and should be a tremendous concern for people who are looking for the maximum amount of accountability and transparency from the government,” Jess opines.

Finally, Jess Fields describes the third area they are concerned about at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Most people don’t even bother to vote for it, yet it effects every single citizen more than any other issue. Listen in to find out what “it” is!

You can find more information about the importance of elections and local governance [here].

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March 10, 2015

Title: Liberty Cities are the New Thing
Topic: Liberty Cities
Discussed by Jess Fields
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Most listeners of the What’s UP Program would absolutely love to live in a Liberty City. But what is a “Liberty City”? Jess Fields, the Senior Policy Analyst with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, explains that people in a Liberty City believe in want taxes and government spending low. They want only the bare necessities. “A Liberty City commits to protecting freedom,” he says.

While it is much easier to start a Liberty City from scratch, it can be done with an already established city. Listen in as Jess discusses how a city can become a Liberty City, like Von Ormy, Texas, which was established in 2008.

FACT: In 2014, Von Ormy, Texas was able to abolish their property tax! Done. Gone. Zip. None.

There is some bad news regarding Liberty Cities and how to go about becoming one, though. But wait! There is also good news! Listen in as Jess explains.

You can find Jess Fields report on Liberty Cities [here].

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November 12, 2014

Title: Houston City Council is Meddling with Free Enterprise - Again
Topic: Ridesharing
Discussed by Jess Fields
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Yellow Taxis have been carting people around for decades. You can call them when you have had too much to drink and can’t drive home. You can catch a ride to the airport. People who don’t have cars use a cab to get to work and even to the grocery store.

There are several new alternatives to taxis available now. Two of the more popular ones (which happen to already be multimillion companies) are Uber and Lyft. Jess Fields explains how you can use an app on your smart phone to catch a ride from someone in your area. These are normal, everyday people who are using their own personal vehicle to drive people around. They are licensed and insured. They must pass a background check and not convicted felons. So what’s the beef?

One of the biggest advantages Uber and Lyft and other private companies have over Yellow Can are their inexpensive rates. This obviously has the Yellow Cab drivers up in arms. They can also call or text you to let you know approximate pick up time and rate cost.

Jess Fields says that the taxi industry is heavily guarded by the government and operates almost like a cartel. Taxi companies in Houston have lobbied City Council to make it more expensive for other taxi-type services to operate. In fact, Lyft has decided to halt all services in Houston!

Is the Houston City Council bowing to the Taxi Cartel and trying to run these companies out of business? Listen in as Jess Fields describes the crazy insurance regulations and medical examinations that Houston is placing on the other taxi service companies – requirements Yellow Taxi drivers don’t even have to follow! Jess also explains how other cities are handling Uber and Lyft and other companies, regulations, and requirements.

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October 28, 2014

Title: Environmentalists Agitate, Activate, and Abandon
Topic: Fracking
Discussed by Jess Fields
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

We’ve done quite a few shows lately on the issue of “fracking”. Some of you – many of you – may be wondering why. When lies are being spread by the left, using popular, handsome Hollywood celebrities to further enhance their audience into fear and hatred, then it’s time someone stands up and says “Enough”. I am but a willing voice, eager to tell others the truth.

Jess Fields, Senior Policy Analyst in The Center for Local governance at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, is another voice eager to lend a hand in the fight against the left’s strategy to send us back to the Stone Age. And, yes, folks, that is exactly what they want to do. They come in to agitate the voters by saying “That headache you have? Oh, it’s from fracking.” They activate the voters by convincing them to vote against fracking in their town. Then, they abandon you and leave you with a pile of poo to wade through for years and even decades. They don’t care about the consequences because they don’t live there.

On November 4, registered voters in the city of Denton, Texas, have the opportunity stand up and take a stand against big business and environmentalists. When the environmentalists come into a town or city and are successful in implementing regulations on fracking and other construction practices, the plumbers, the contractors, the electricians, the architects are all run out of business. They either go bankrupt or are forced to move their business to a nearby town, costing them hundreds of thousands – even millions – of dollars in profit and revenue.

Fracking is safe. It is legal. It does not pollute. It does contaminate the water supply. It does not kill the flea-flicking-flea-fly or the dung beetle. It most certainly does not cause cancer or other diseases. Not once has a documented case of any injury, illness, or death occurred due to fracking.

Fracking creates a tremendous amount of jobs. Personal incomes are higher in areas where fracking occurs. Tax payers benefit from commercial development because it relieves the tax pressure from average citizens.

Today, Jess Fields gives some insight into why the left detests fracking so much and what they plan to do in the near future to convince you to hate it, too.

Denton residents – vote on November 4. Learn the facts. Know the myths. Have a voice. Take a stand and make a difference.

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