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July 24, 2013

Title: AAP Tells Members To Fight Heterosexism.
Topic: Heterosexism
Discussed by Dr. Jerry Miller
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Part 1 of 3

The nation’s largest pediatricians group, the American Academy of Pediatrics, is now telling its members to do more to fight ‘Heterosexism’. They also say that sexual-minority youth should not be considered abnormal.

What’s “sexual-minority youth”? LBGTQ is the new acronym. But what does the Q stand for? Listen in… [Hint: Questioning]

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Title: Medical Doctors Have Duty To Explain Harmful Effects of Choices.
Topic: Heterosexism
Discussed by Dr. Jerry Miller
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Part 2 of 3

First it is wrong for anyone to be bullied, mocked, or stigmatized including the straight student that believes homosexuality is wrong.

Jesus loved the sinner but he always commanded, “Go and sin no more.” The Bible is explicit in Genesis about marriage and this was affirmed by Jesus.

Dr. Miller discusses the harmful effects of becoming involved and actively participating in the LGBTQ lifestyle.

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Title: Normalization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Behavior by the AAP.
Topic: Heterosexism
Discussed by Dr. Jerry Miller
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

Part 3 of 3

Dr. Miller, Chairman of CMDA’s Pediatric Section, exposes the radical homosexual agenda propagated by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Miller further discusses how preteens, teens, and adults can be gently and lovingly guided to a vision of Biblical sexuality.

Our children are being bullied into accepting the LGBT lifestyle as normal and they are mocked and stigmatized if they do not herald the LGBT lifestyle as the preferred lifestyle.

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