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November 14, 2012

Title: Your Take Home Pay Will Be 2% Less In January. Why?
Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by William McBride

Part 1 of 3

Will your take home pay be 2% less in January? Are you going to pay more to the federal government starting January the 1st?

Does everybody who works and gets a paycheck pay the payroll tax? What is the payroll tax for? Where does the money go?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by William McBride

Is it a good thing or bad thing that 23 million Americans will be paying the alternative minimum tax starting January 2013? Is it a good thing that every working American who gets a paycheck will have 2% less to spend in January, in February, etc as compared to their last paycheck in December 2012?

William McBride is Chief Economist at the Tax Foundation. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University, where his dissertation involved using agent-based modeling and simulation to analyze the effect of various banking regimes, including free banking, on asset prices. While at George Mason, William was a research assistant at the Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science, which was established by Nobel laureate Vernon Smith as a center for research in experimental economics.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Taxes and Government Spending
Discussed by William McBride

William, have we already fallen down the fiscal cliff? If congress does absolutely nothing between now and December 31st, do you see businesses having more cash in their bank accounts to give raises or extend hours, or just the opposite?

One of America’s most established and relied-upon think tanks, the Tax Foundation has since 1937 worked for simple, sensible tax policy at the federal, state, and local levels. They do this by informing Americans about the size of tax burdens and providing economically principled analysis of tax policy issues.

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September 21, 2012

Title: Tax Filer Owes About $188,235.00 - Is This You?
Topic: Taxes
Discussed by William McBride

Part 1 of 2

What does the average taxpayer in America owe on the 16 trillion dollar debt?

Can we sustain our lifestyles with this debt chained to our necks?

Are there 40% that don't pay taxes? Are there 20% that don't pay taxes?

How do you define taxes?

What is a taxpayer?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Taxes
Discussed by William McBride

Let us talk about Romney's so-called "gaffe" - Was Romney correct in some area that 47 percent of Americans are inside of the wagon and they don't pay taxes?

The mission of the Tax Foundation is to educate taxpayers about sound tax policy and the size of the tax burden borne by Americans at all levels of government. From its founding in 1937, the Tax Foundation has been grounded in the belief that the dissemination of basic information about government finance is the foundation of sound policy in a free society.

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