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September 7, 2011

Title: Are Tea Parties Across America Racist
Topic: Tea Party Racism
Discussed by Senator John Andrews
with Responsibility Re-Born (

Part 1 of 2

The Left has their agenda. The Right has theirs. And many Tea Parties have yet a different agenda, but are Tea Parties across America Racist?

If you can’t win the argument using facts and the power of persuasion simply resort to attacking your opponent such as calling him/her a racist. But does that make it true?

Will the majority of blacks in America believe the lies told by their leaders?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Tea Party Racism
Discussed by Senator John Andrews
with Responsibility Re-Born (

Rep. Andre Carson commented that the Tea Party wants to see blacks ‘hanging on a tree’?

Again,  will the majority of blacks in America believe the lies told by their leaders?

The “R” word that should be used across America is “Responsibility”. It is time to hold even elected officials accountable for their lies. If they lie, they should be held accountable in a court of law for libel or slander.

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August 16, 2011

Title: Will President Obama’s Policies Put Americans Back To Work?
Topic: Obamanomics
Discussed by Senator John Andrews
with Responsibility Re-Born (

Senator Andrews answers this question: “Is the debt-crisis the fault of the Tea-Parties?

Senator Andrews also answers:
1. Will cutting the employees portion of payroll taxes put Americans back to work?
2. Will increasing taxes put Americans back to work?
3. Will conforming our Patent Laws to mirror UN wishes and European laws put Americans back to work?

Senator Andrews is the author of "Responsibility Reborn: A Citizen’s Guide to the Next American Century".

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August 15, 2011

Title: Will President Obama’s Policies Put Americans Back To Work?
Topic: Obamanomics
Discussed by Senator John Andrews
with Responsibility Re-Born (

Senator Andrews answers this question: “Is the debt-crisis the fault of the Tea-Parties?

Senator Andrews also answers:
1. Will cutting the employees portion of payroll taxes put Americans back to work?
2. Will increasing taxes put Americans back to work?
3. Will conforming our Patent Laws to mirror UN wishes and European laws put Americans back to work?

Senator Andrews is the author of "Responsibility Reborn: A Citizen’s Guide to the Next American Century".

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