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July 18, 2012

Title: Getting Up Close and Personal With Ted Cruz - Family Talk to Illegal Immigration!
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Ted Cruz
with Ted Cruz (

When you went down to the valley, when you observed what was going on, and when you heard testimonies from the ranchers - were you shocked by the amount of illegal aliens still walking across the border into America?

What are OTMs? Is the federal government failing in its responsibility given to it in the constitution to secure our borders? Is this a national security nightmare and a human tragedy? Please tell our listeners about you and your family - did you dad stand in the immigration line and follow the law?

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June 28, 2012

Title: Getting Up Close and Personal With Ted Cruz - Family Talk to Illegal Immigration!
Topic: Candidate Interviews
Discussed by Ted Cruz
with Ted Cruz (

When you went down to the valley, when you observed what was going on, and when you heard testimonies from the ranchers - were you shocked by the amount of illegal aliens still walking across the border into America?

What are OTMs? Is the federal government failing in its responsibility given to it in the constitution to secure our borders? Is this a national security nightmare and a human tragedy? Please tell our listeners about you and your family - did you dad stand in the immigration line and follow the law?

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February 10, 2012

Title: EXTRA EXTRA: Earmarks are a HOT topic nationwide with conservatives! Where have you been?
Topic: Current Events
Discussed by Ted Cruz
with Ted Cruz (

Special guest Ted Cruz answers:

Why have the four strongest conservatives in the U.S senate endorsed you, and better yet, endorsed you early?

Please explain to our listeners unfamiliar with the graft and corruption that is saddled to that name "earmarks". Who are the losers in all of the 'earmarks gone bad' situations?

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November 7, 2011

Title: Joining us today - Candidate for US Senate, to replace Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Topic: Voter Preferences
Discussed by Ted Cruz
with Ted Cruz (

As you travel the Lone Star State introducing yourself to voters, how DO you introduce yourself?

Are Texans ready for a ‘true outsider’ to represent them in Washington as a U.S. Senator?

If elected to replace retiring U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, Ted Cruz, how do you propose we put Americans back to work?

Ted Cruz, why should the primary voters in Texas consider you over your opponents?

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July 12, 2011

Title: Should Texas, and all America, Bow Down Before the World Court?
Topic: World Court vs. U.S. Courts
Discussed by Ted Cruz
with Ted Cruz (

Candidate Ted Cruz discusses the recent battle between Obama v. Texas in which Texas won. A brutal murderer was set to be executed recently in Texas and President Obama wanted Texas to bow down to the UN World Court and set aside the sentence.

While serving as Texas Solicitor General, Ted Cruz successfully stood before the U.S. Supreme Court in a like case arguing that Texas has the right to arrest, charge, try and upon conviction, carry out the sentence handed down by a jury. Ted Cruz stood up against President Bush and 90 other nations to guarantee the right for Texas and the United States to carry out justice without being subject to the laws of the World Court.

For more on Ted Cruz and his campaign to become the next U.S. Senator from the State of Texas log onto

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