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May 11, 2023

Title: Biden’s Careless Migrant Sponsor System Sends Kids into Slavery
Topic: Child Trafficking and Exploitation
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

America lures the masses from around the world to dream of coming to America, the land of the free and home of the brave. Many illegal immigrants bring their children on the long, tumultuous journey. Many children are ripped from their parents along the way and sold into slavery.

Dr. Carol Swain is an award-winning political scientist and former tenured Professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities. She is a Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and an educational advisor for American Cornerstone Institute founded by Dr. Ben Carson.

Click here to read Dr. Carol Swain’s op-ed on this topic in The Canon.

Click here to read more from Dr. Swain on this and other topics.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When did the “dreamers” begin flooding America?

Inside our country, are children becoming property of smugglers? Are they becoming slaves? Dr. Swain explains that the children are referred to as a “product” like a person would refer to food. Disgusting!

Has the New York Times exposed the indifference to the exploitation of migrant children? Click here to read the article.

Are unaccompanied minors being released into safe environments in the US?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Biden’s Careless Migrant Sponsor System Sends Kids into Slavery
Topic: Child Trafficking and Exploitation
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the US Immigration Policy allowing modern day slave trade? Dr. Swain passionately explains just what is happening and why every Christian needs to be involved in this issue.

What went wrong with our immigration policy decades ago?

When will America’s citizens stand up and say: “Enough is Enough”? Dr. Swain encourages us to contact our elected officials, saying: “We need to stand up for the weak.”

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BONUS article on this topic by James O’Keefe with Project Veritas: “Department of Health & Human Services says Government Complicit in Trafficking Child Admits being “Pimped” by Sponsor

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May 6, 2022

Title: Critical Race Theory: Is it a University-Level Course or a Diet for Our Children?
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

There are many questions surrounding Critical Race Theory, which has been a hot topic for months now. Is it being taught to our kids in high school and college? Is CRT really bad? What is CRT, anyway? Should parents fight back?

Dr. Carol Swain is an award-winning political scientist and former tenured Professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities. She is a Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and an educational advisor for American Cornerstone Institute founded by Dr. Ben Carson.

Today, Dr. Swain answers important questions about Critical Race Theory. Her clarion call is for We the People to stand up and Be the People who change our nation and world.

Click here to read Dr. Swain’s op-ed on this important topic.

Click here for more about Dr. Carol Swain.

Click here for information about Dr. Swain’s books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Critical Race Theory rooted in cultural Marxism? Dr. Swain explains that CRT is part of the ideology of “critical theories” and “postmodernist theories” and how these ideas have evolved from Karl Marx.

What is the 1619 Project? When did it appear? Is it being taught as FACT for FREE in public schools and colleges/universities across America? Dr. Swain calls the 1619 Project a “dangerous, anti-America philosophy”.

Does the 1619 Project present America as the “inventor” of slavery?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Critical Race Theory: Is it a University-Level Course or a Diet for Our Children?
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Critical Race Theory regressive and the exact opposite of Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of civil rights? Dr. Swain reveals how CRT is being taught in ALL grades, not just colleges and universities, and just how the Left is doing it.

FACT OR FICTION: Critical Race Theory recognizes and affirms the dignity of every human being. You might be surprised by this answer!

Does Critical Race Theory discriminate against white people, heterosexuals, and men?

What do teachers and others call Critical Race Theory to make is “sound better”? PARENTS: Be on the look-out for these key-phrases if your kids are still in public school.

Why should people stand firm against those who wish to change our nation’s history? Dr. Swain believes that it is time we stand together as one – no political party, no religion, no race. She says: “This affects every American.”

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April 20, 2022

Title: Critical Race Theory: Is it a University-Level Course or a Diet for Our Children?
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

There are many questions surrounding Critical Race Theory, which has been a hot topic for months now. Is it being taught to our kids in high school and college? Is CRT really bad? What is CRT, anyway? Should parents fight back?

Dr. Carol Swain is an award-winning political scientist and former tenured Professor at Princeton and Vanderbilt Universities. She is a Distinguished Senior Fellow for Constitutional Studies with the Texas Public Policy Foundation and an educational advisor for American Cornerstone Institute founded by Dr. Ben Carson.

Today, Dr. Swain answers important questions about Critical Race Theory. Her clarion call is for We the People to stand up and Be the People who change our nation and world.

Click here to read Dr. Swain’s op-ed on this important topic.

Click here for more about Dr. Carol Swain.

Click here for information about Dr. Swain’s books.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Critical Race Theory rooted in cultural Marxism? Dr. Swain explains that CRT is part of the ideology of “critical theories” and “postmodernist theories” and how these ideas have evolved from Karl Marx.

What is the 1619 Project? When did it appear? Is it being taught as FACT for FREE in public schools and colleges/universities across America? Dr. Swain calls the 1619 Project a “dangerous, anti-America philosophy”.

Does the 1619 Project present America as the “inventor” of slavery?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Critical Race Theory: Is it a University-Level Course or a Diet for Our Children?
Topic: Critical Race Theory
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is Critical Race Theory regressive and the exact opposite of Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of civil rights? Dr. Swain reveals how CRT is being taught in ALL grades, not just colleges and universities, and just how the Left is doing it.

FACT OR FICTION: Critical Race Theory recognizes and affirms the dignity of every human being. You might be surprised by this answer!

Does Critical Race Theory discriminate against white people, heterosexuals, and men?

What do teachers and others call Critical Race Theory to make is “sound better”? PARENTS: Be on the look-out for these key-phrases if your kids are still in public school.

Why should people stand firm against those who wish to change our nation’s history? Dr. Swain believes that it is time we stand together as one – no political party, no religion, no race. She says: “This affects every American.”

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July 20, 2011

Title: Does Signing the Marriage Vow Make Someone a Racist?
Topic: Pulling the Race Card
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

The Family Leader used an ill-advised reference to children born into slavery in their Marriage Vow – a Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family. By signing the Marriage Vow, does one become a racist?

The sad fact is nearly 70% of black children are born into single parent households today.

Dr. Swain points out how the Family Leader could have chosen a more appropriate comparison in their Marriage Vow. But in no way was the Family Leader suggesting that black children were better off being born into slavery.

America has many problems and a very serious one is the breakup of the family unit as defined as marriage between one man and one woman for life.

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July 8, 2011

Title: Are Blacks In America Owed Reparation Payments?
Topic: Reparation
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In his quest for Black votes, will President Obama dangle the promise of “Reparation Dollars”? Dr. Carol Swain joins us again today. Dr. Swain is an award-winning author and widely recognized expert on race relations, immigration, black leadership, and evangelical politics.

Dr. Swain explains what exactly are “Reparation Payments”? She also discusses, “Should America, today, pay reparation payments to descendants of African slaves?” Pick up a copy of her newest book Be The People: A Call to Reclaim America’s Faith and Promise.

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June 28, 2011

Title: Has President Obama failed the African American and Hispanic Communities By Not Doing More To Create Jobs?
Topic: Job Creation
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Leaders of both political parties have failed to connect the dots between illegal immigration, surplus labor, and rising unemployment. Most affected by the surplus labor of illegal immigration are poor whites, blacks, and legal Hispanics. Dr. Swain takes President Obama and the leadership of both parties to task for not doing more to stop illegal immigration.

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June 17, 2011

Title: Did the Recent New Hampshire Debate Feature Seven Strong Contenders or Seven Dwarves?
Topic: Pure Politics
Discussed by Dr. Carol Swain
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

If Mitt Romney ultimately wins the Republican nomination, will his support of “Obamneycare” and the fact that he is Mormon seal his aspiration to be President in a coffin of defeat? Will enough Southerners stay home in a general election allowing Obama to win Florida, South Carolina, Virginian and other Southern States?

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