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July 27, 2011

Title: How Would a Credit Downgrade Affect You?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Gretchen Hamel
with Bankrupting America (

What would a US default cost individual Americans?

Gretchen Hamel explains how credit card interest rates, home loan interest rates, and all other interest rates will rise. What would this cost you? Are you on a fixed income? Where would you get the extra money?

Is it time that the federal government learned to live on less?

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November 10, 2010

Title: Money matters, it really does. Question: do you have a money tree? Should our government keep spending like it has a money tree?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Gretchen Hamel
with Bankrupting America (

Segment 1 of 2

Money really matters. Who hasn’t had to tighten the belt, cut back, forge purchases? Why should the federal government keep on spending our money like drunken sailors? It’s time to demand: 1. Roll back to 2008 spending levels; and, 2. Sunset every federal agency every 3 to 5 years and make them prove their worth, and if they can’t, close their doors!

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Title: Voters must stay focused. Republicans and Democrats love to spend our money. But how can we stay informed?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Gretchen Hamel
with Bankrupting America (

Segment 2 of 2

Voters must stay focused. Too many of our elected officials love to spend our money. Demand a roll back to 2008 spending levels. Demand that government sunset ALL programs every three to five years. And then make each and everyone prove their worth

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July 29, 2010

Topic: Bankrupting America
Discussed by Gretchen Hamel
with Bankrupting America (

Join the campaign against too much government spending. Log on to today!

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May 13, 2010

Title: Segment 5: What Would 2 Billion Dollars Buy?
Topic: Government Spending
Discussed by Gretchen Hamel
with Bankrupting America (

The Government spends TOO much - cut theirs, not mine!

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April 27, 2010

Topic: Bankrupting America
Discussed by Gretchen Hamel
with Bankrupting America (

Over the last 10 years, federal government spending per household increased by 40%! The debt per household has increased…duh duh duh (dramatic music playing) 70%! Do you understand what this means for your future? Log on to to learn more. And become a FB fan! Click on the FB link on their homepage.

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