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January 25, 2013

Title: Newborn Babies Recognize Music Played While They Were in the Womb
Topic: When does life begin / When does God Impart the Soul
Discussed by Chris Slattery
with Expectant Mother Care (

Scientists at Paris Descartes University found that one-month-old babies remember music that was played to them in the third trimester of their mother’s pregnancies.

This is not a new revelation but it might help sway some pregnant and scared women in the decision to not abort her baby.

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August 28, 2012

Title: Babies remember music played to them in the womb
Topic: When does life begin / When does God Impart the Soul
Discussed by Chris Slattery
with Expectant Mother Care (

Scientists at Paris Descartes University found that one-month-old babies remember music that was played to them in the third trimester of their mother’s pregnancies. But is this a new revelation? Canadian conductor Boris Brott once remarked that he developed an interest in music before birth. He recounted that while learning new music pieces, he was surprised to find he already knew certain pieces by heart, particularly the viola parts. His mother, a viola player, was surprised initially, until she realized they were pieces that she practiced while pregnant with him.

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March 16, 2011

Title: Babies remember music played to them in the womb
Topic: When does life begin / When does God Impart the Soul
Discussed by Chris Slattery
with Expectant Mother Care (

Scientists at Paris Descartes University found that one-month-old babies remember music that was played to them in the third trimester of their mother’s pregnancies. But is this a new revelation? Canadian conductor Boris Brott once remarked that he developed an interest in music before birth. He recounted that while learning new music pieces, he was surprised to find he already knew certain pieces by heart, particularly the viola parts. His mother, a viola player, was surprised initially, until she realized they were pieces that she practiced while pregnant with him.

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January 26, 2010

Title: HOUSTON: WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Part 1 of 2
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Chris Slattery
with Expectant Mother Care (

Chris Slattery founded Expectant Mother Care (EMC) in 1985 in Manhattan. EMC offers young women in crisis pregnancies information on alternatives to abortion and counseling. EMC has saved over 12,000 babies! So, they are obviously keeping an eye on the gigantic building that Planned Parenthood is constructing here in Houston. Log on to for more information on Chris and his organization.

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Title: HOUSTON: WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Part 2 of 2
Topic: Planned Parenthood
Discussed by Chris Slattery
with Expectant Mother Care (

If you are interested in helping EMC or want information on how to start a EMC clinic in Houston, log on to

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