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August 23, 2016

Title: Buying Medicine from Canada
Topic: Pharmaceutical Company Practices
Discussed by Peter Pitts
with The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (

An emergency-room doctor from Texas suffered a stroke after importing what he thought was a popular  drug.   Actually substituted for the doctor’s order was a counterfeit, stroke-inducing medication shipped in from China. If medical professionals can’t tell the difference between real and counterfeit drugs, regular patients don’t stand a chance.

Peter Pitts is the former commissioner for the FDA and co-founder of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest. Both Hillary and Trump support the importation of drugs from Canada, which could be extremely dangerous for every person living in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are drugs imported from Canada 100% safe?

Why is importing drugs from Canada growing more and more dangerous for current and future patients?

Why are people looking to Canada for cheaper drugs? Are they actually cheaper?

If you buy prescription drugs online from Canada, “You are playing Russian roulette with your health,” Peter warns.

Some believe that insurance reforms to reduce co-pays would increase medical adherence, lower overall spending, and improve health outcomes. What is Peter’s opinion?

What can candidates do to curb the high cost of prescription drugs?

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August 22, 2012

Title: The Scorpion's Sting
Topic: Pharmaceutical Company Practices
Discussed by J. D. Masterson
with J. D. Masterson   (

Part 1 of 3

You don’t have to tell J. D. Masterson about the dangers of vaccines. As a former healthcare professional and pharmaceutical company employee, she’s seen them all from the inside.

Pharmaceutical companies love to market vaccines that have absolutely zero proven effectiveness in fighting disease,” explains J.D. Masterson, author of the Scorpion’s Sting. She continues, “The massive machine of the pharmaceutical companies has penetrated to the very heart of the healthcare system – the physician.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Pharmaceutical Company Practices
Discussed by J. D. Masterson
with J. D. Masterson   (

J.D. Masterson continues with, “You really can’t trust your doctors anymore, because they are totally complicit in recommending vaccines and treatments to patients that prevent nothing, cure nothing and even risk doing patients harm.

Her view is that after years of convincing women to get the HPV vaccine – and now with the new campaign aimed at motivating men to do the same – there is NOT a shred of evidence that the HPV vaccine does anything more than generate bigger profits for big pharmaceutical companies.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Pharmaceutical Company Practices
Discussed by J. D. Masterson
with J. D. Masterson   (

The author’s eyes were forced open upon observing atrocities involving large conglomerate falsities. She uses fiction to expose the truth. J. D. Masterson, who authored The Scorpion’s Sting, says: “With all my degrees and knowledge, how could I have lived with my head in the sand for so long? I’m thinking of nicknaming myself ‘Ostrich’.” Because of reading The Scorpion’s Sting, nuns and Christians alike, have contacted J. D. Masterson saying they have found Christ. Maybe you or a loved one will also. Find J. D. at

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April 26, 2011

Title: The Scorpion’s Sting
Topic: Pharmaceutical Company Practices
Discussed by J. D. Masterson
with J. D. Masterson   (

Segment 1 of 3

You don’t have to tell J. D. Masterson about the dangers of vaccines. As a former healthcare professional and pharmaceutical company employee, she’s seen them all from the inside. “Pharmaceutical companies love to market vaccines that have absolutely zero proven effectiveness in fighting disease,” explains J.D. Masterson, author of the Scorpion’s Sting. She continues, “The massive machine of the pharmaceutical companies has penetrated to the very heart of the healthcare system – the physician.” Log onto  for all the details.

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Title: The Scorpion’s Sting
Topic: Pharmaceutical Company Practices
Discussed by J. D. Masterson
with J. D. Masterson   (

Segment 2 of 3

J.D. Masterson continues with,You really can’t trust your doctors anymore, because they are totally complicit in recommending vaccines and treatments to patients that prevent nothing, cure nothing and even risk doing patients harm.” Her view is that after years of convincing women to get the HPV vaccine – and now with the new campaign aimed at motivating men to do the same – there is NOT a shred of evidence that the HPV vaccine does anything more than generate bigger profits for big pharmaceutical companies.

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Title: The Scorpion’s Sting
Topic: Pharmaceutical Company Practices
Discussed by J. D. Masterson
with J. D. Masterson   (

Segment 3 of 3

The author’s eyes were forced open upon observing atrocities involving large conglomerate falsities. She uses fiction to expose the truth. J. D. Masterson, who authored The Scorpion’s Sting, says: “With all my degrees and knowledge, how could I have lived with my head in the sand for so long? I’m thinking of nicknaming myself ‘Ostrich’.” Because of reading the Scorpion’s Sting, nuns and Christians alike, have contacted J. D. Masterson saying they have found Christ. Maybe you or a loved one will also. Find J. D. at

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