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January 14, 2015

Title: Commands from the Qur'an
Topic: Qur’an
Discussed by Tricia Erickson
with The Conservative Pundit

Part 1 of 2

In light of the recent murderous, terrorist attacks in France, we must remember what the Qur’an says about the Muslim faith and forgiveness. The Qur’an instructs its followers to “go peacefully until you are in numbers to take them over”. Tricia Erickson is a political commentator and frequent guest on FOX News, giving her expert opinion and insight on a number of topics.

Today, she explains why people across the globe should pay attention to the Qur’an and its teachings. It’s important to understand what Muslims are being taught. Now, not all Muslims grow up to be fanatical and commit suicide in order to kill or harm others. But what do Muslims believe about heaven and their ticket to 70 virgins?

Other religions do not condone, let alone encourage, killing others in order to see the Pearly Gates. Why should we allow the teachings of Islam to go unchecked at every turn? This doesn’t just apply to Jihad, either; it applies to the way Islamic men treat women and children. It’s abhorrent!

Listen in as Tricia references direct quotes from the Qur’an concerning martyrdom and why Muslim extremists believe they must sacrifice their lives while killing innocent human beings. This is not stuff she is just making up, pulling out of thin air, people. The whole religion urges its followers to kill others and die – all in the name of Allah.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Commands from the Qur'an
Topic: Qur’an
Discussed by Tricia Erickson
with The Conservative Pundit

Tricia Erickson says too many people still have their heads in the sand concerning Islam and its teaching. Too many people are still coddling Muslims under the guise of political correctness. Tricia says it’s way past time to stop being so nice and put them in their place. We must tell them “NO MORE! Not here. Not ever.”

Just like with the Nazis, there is no negotiating with extremist Muslims. They believe they are doing mankind a favor. They want to die. They want to kill others. They want their “heaven”. Communities, even countries like France, are beginning to realize this. They are beginning to see the light. When will America? Not under Obama’s reign, that’s for sure!

Tricia gives some more “scripture” references from the Qur’an in this second segment. The Muslim leaders have the right to preach them from the pulpit in America. They are completely protected under the law – freedom of speech. If a Baptist preacher said the same thing, though, they’d be sitting in jail!

So what are we to do? Can we stop them, once and for all? For over a decade, Tricia has been encouraging others to read the Qur’an to fully understand what we are up against. She says radical Islamists are the greatest threat to America – to every country. They are infiltrating every city in America and across the world, just waiting to take over.

Tricia also encourages listeners to exercise their right to gun ownership and teach their children how to shoot and handle a gun. It’s a scary world out there and the bad people are coming to your community, to your neighborhood, to your kids’ school.

Tricia’s article on this topic can be found [here].

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March 17, 2011

Title: Should the Qur’an been banned in America?
Topic: Qur’an
Discussed by Dr. Robert Greer
with Dr. Robert Greer (

Is the Qur’an an evil book? Should it be banned in America? Does the Qur’an insight, instruct, and/or encourage its readers to kill non-believers and kill converts who leave the teachings of the Qur’an? Is the code of living under Sharia law compatible with the U.S. Constitution? How are women treated under Sharia law? How are homosexuals treated under Sharia law? How are blacks treated under Sharia law? Dr. Greer answers these and many other questions in this segment. For more, log onto

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