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January 17, 2011

Title: Senator Harry Reid Pulled a Fast One: But Now He Is Exposed
Topic: Parliamentary Rule: Recess vs. Adjourn
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

Senator Harry Reid Pulls Another Fast One. Today we begin with a simple parliamentary lesson for the U.S. Senate. On the first day of a session, one order of business is to adopt the ‘rules for debate’. If no rules are adopted, rules from the prior session take effect. Harry Raid did not ‘adjourn’ the Senate but instead gaveled the first day to ‘recess’. This will enable him to try to gather 54 votes to amend the Senate rules to allow a simple majority vote to close debate on any issue. This would nullify the 47 Republican votes and allow a 51 votes to rule on all matters. No filibuster! Pray this does not happen on January 24th when the U.S. Senate reconvenes. Forward this link to all your friends.

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