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December 6, 2010

Title: Obama to by-pass Congress and cripple the US Economy
Topic: Obama's Plan to Strangle US Economy
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Segment 1 of 2

Phony claims made by Obama’s cronies at recent UN Climate Confab:

    1. There will be a four-degree rise in global temperatures this century.

    2. Sea levels will rise and swamp many coast lines. If so, why did Al Gore purchase a    bayside condo in San Francisco? Another example of “do as I as I say, but not as I do”!

    3. Develop countries should immediately implement energy-rationing systems to mandate the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. But which countries are exempt from the proposed mandates?

Brian Sussman and his great book, Climategate: A meteorologist Exposes the global Warming Scam, can be found at 

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Title: Obama’s Plan To Strangle US Economy
Topic: Obama's Plan to Strangle US Economy
Discussed by Brian Sussman
with Brian Sussman (

Segment 2 of 2

Brian Sussman debunks the phony claims made by Obama’s cronies at recent UN Climate Confab held in Cancun. Climategate is a godsend for anyone who has ever expressed skepticism about the environmentalist’s claim of man-caused global warming. The incoming Freshman class in WDC is using his book as a primer to ‘get-up-to-speed’ on this issue. You should get a copy and read through it with your family, especially if your kids are in ‘government schools’.

Brian Sussman and his great book, Climategate: A meteorologist Exposes the Global Warming Scam, can be found at

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