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August 25, 2010

Title: E.L.L.A. Is Here
Topic: E.L.L.A. Causes Abortions
Discussed by Jeanne Monahan
with Family Research Council (

When does an abortion occur and are there drugs on the market that are being deceptively marketed to woman?

Jeanne Monahan, Director, Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council researches, writes and speaks on the culture of life, with a focus on the sanctity of human personhood from conception until natural death.

1. When does an abortion occur when a woman uses certain drugs?

2. Are there drugs on the market that cause abortions.

3. Should all drugs that cause abortions so state that on the box and in writing, even though all the disclaimers are in such tiny print?

4. Do women in general understand the significance of the chemical reaction caused by drugs such as the morning-after-pill and now E.L.L.A.?

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