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September 10, 2015

Title: Greek Lesson
Topic: Ground Zero of Sacred Land
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

Day 3

Hope in the New Testament - elpis (ἐλπίς)

Mark continues to explain various passages that give more meaning to how faith works through love to give us hope. We begin today’s segment with Romans 5:1-5. God’s love for every one of us is so great that He sent His son, who was perfect and blameless, to die for us, who are sinful and awful and wicked humans. He didn’t have to. He wanted to and did it so we could know Him.

Mark also looks at hope in suffering. He reminds us that it is important to be joyful and confident in the midst of suffering and references Romans 8:18. All of creation suffers. Every person will experience pain at some point in their life. It’s how we choose to respond to that pain and suffering that will determine the outcome.

Tune in tomorrow as Mark concludes this week’s Greek lesson on hope in suffering.

Mark is leading his 800+ member class into a deeper understanding of God’s Word through lessons in the beautiful Greek language. Join him next Sunday at Champion Forest Baptist Church in NW Houston.

For more information about Mark’s Class, click [here].

For this lesson's handouts, PowerPoint slides, unedited audio, or video click [here].

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August 24, 2010

Title: Mosque Support Angers Americans? Is President Obama Just Arrogant or Just Stupid? Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Ground Zero of Sacred Land
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

68% of Americans, according to a recent CNN survey, oppose the idea of a mosque cleared for construction just a few blocks from Ground Zero.

President Barack Obama recently voiced his support for the mosque. Is President Obama just arrogant, just Stupid or listening to the wrong advisers?

Bob Beauprez (R) is a former Congressman from Colorado, now political commentator, who has been watching developments in Washington and the White House very closely since his return to life as a civilian in the Rocky Mountain State. And, like many, he is disturbed by Obama’s consistency, on so many controversial issues, of standing against the people who elected him.

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