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September 8, 2010

Title: ONE MOSQUE PROTEST TOO MANY: Will Scheduled Event Create a Divide Among Ground Zero Defenders Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Ground Zero Mosque
Discussed by Sarah Cunningham
with Picking Dandelions: a Search for Eden Among Life’s Weeds

Sarah Cunningham, author, high school teacher and leader of a team of first-responders to the crumbled towers on 9/11, responds to the two-sided debate about the Ground Zero Mosque.

She contends that it is all about the simple virtue of respect. While Americans should respect the freedoms of their own Constitution that allows for construction of the mosque, those behind the mosque should respect the sanctity of the site, the wishes of the victims’ families and that of most Americans.

1. The towers were attacked by terrorists using planes as weapons. The towers crumbled. You arrive with a team of first responders. Tell us about that morning…

2. Picking Dandelions: a Search for Eden Among Life’s Weeds revolves around your experience of leading a disaster relief team to the site while the dust of the towers’ collapse was still in the air. Back then, was it possible to imagine that Muslims would dare to want to build a monument to their god near the site of the terrorist attack that killed over 3,000 souls?

3. Sarah Cunningham, author, high school teacher and leader of a team of first-responders to the crumbled towers on 9/11, is discussing the two-sided debate about the Ground Zero Mosque.  As mosque protesters prepare to load up with fire and bullhorns on the anniversary of 9/11 itself, do you fear some patriots are defending the “sacred ground” without honoring the sacred day?

4. Have the Mosque protesters lost sight of the bigger picture: the importance of defending all freedom lovers against Islamic extremist aggression which is focused on destroying the very freedoms we take for granted in America, and much of the West? (Continued .....)

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Title: ONE MOSQUE PROTEST TOO MANY: Will Scheduled Event Create a Divide Among Ground Zero Defenders Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Ground Zero Mosque
Discussed by Sarah Cunningham
with Picking Dandelions: a Search for Eden Among Life’s Weeds

5. Referencing Picking Dandelions: a Search for Eden Among Life’s Weeds, does God intend for us, even in life’s hardships, to always look for Eden, to always took towards heaven?

6. On 9/11, you contend that America’s ‘goodness’ was expressed by the many volunteers, rescue and military personnel who responded at Ground Zero, at the Pentagon, in Pennsylvania and across this great land. Our nation came together in pain. Would you hate to see some of that goodness and cooperation be reversed because of disagreements over a building site?

7. What should happen with the proposed Mosque at Ground Zero?

8. PICKING DANDELIONS: A SEARCH FOR EDEN AMONG LIFE’S WEEDS is a candid and personal account of outgrowing laissez-faire Christianity, moving into mature faith, and realizing that a God-following person is a changing person. In Picking Dandelions, you explain how coming to religion through the front door—rather than through a weeping, born-again conversion—can make it difficult to understand how faith changes life. Sarah, is it hard for most to grasp why faith changes lives?

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August 24, 2010

Title: Mosque Support Angers Americans? Is President Obama Just Arrogant or Just Stupid? Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Ground Zero Mosque
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

  1. What about voters in Missouri? 71% That’s how many voters in the recent Missouri primary expressed opposition to Obama’s new healthcare reform law. Traditionally a swing state, Missouri confirmed the national two-thirds opposition over which Obama and the Reid–Pelosi Congress stepped to pass ObamaCare back in March. 

  2. What about voters in Arizona: The numbers look the same regarding the Arizona immigration law against which Obama’s administration has brought a lawsuit. 

  3. Has Barack Obama has abandoned America at the place where America’s heart was broken nine years ago, and where her true values were on display for all to see? Is Ground Zero sacred ground to most Americans?

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June 7, 2010

Topic: Ground Zero Mosque
Discussed by Walid Shoebat
with Walid Shoebat Foundation

Most people have probably heard the devastating news that NY liberals have agreed to allow a Mosque to be constructed on sacred Ground Zero land. Is this just a political stunt or could there be more to it? Visit for more on this and other topics.

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