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June 15, 2021

Title: Granting Human Rights to Animals, Water, and Nature
Topic: Animal Rights vs. Human Rights
Discussed by Wesley J. Smith
with Discovery Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The Left has officially gone crazy. And Wesley J. Smith with the Discovery Institute has details today on just how crazy they have become.

For more on this topic from Wesley, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are animal rights activists arguing in court that animals should have constitutionally protected rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness just like humans? Are they arguing that animals and humans have “equal moral value”? Wesley wants to make clear that he does not advocate for animal cruelty.

Do these animal rights activists want to stop ALL animal ownership – period?

Who is Gary Francione? What are some of his ideologies?

What’s UP with the highest court in New York hearing a case where animal activists want an ELEPHANT declared a person? Did they do the same with chimpanzees? What did the original judge rule on this?

Did a court in Argentina rule that orangutans are “not human persons”?

Some are even arguing for “water and nature rights”. Is a river or waterway “human” by definition? Listen close to this ruling! It’s insane!

How many rivers across the world have already been declared persons and given rights?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Granting Human Rights to Animals, Water, and Nature
Topic: Animal Rights vs. Human Rights
Discussed by Wesley J. Smith
with Discovery Institute (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is animal welfare an expression of human exceptionalism? Wesley explains that we do have a responsibility to help and protect all animals – even when there is no benefit to humans or nature. On the contrary, animals have no responsibility to humans or nature.

When animals and objects – trees, waterways, the wind – becoming persons and off limits to being used by man, will man be forced to survive without food, water, and energy? Bottom Line: These animal rights activists are anti-human. “They’re not logical. They’re emotional. These people don’t think; they feel. And there is a distinction between those concepts,” Wesely says.

Have some animal activists really stated that they wish COVID-19 was worse so it would kill more of the world’s population?

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July 7, 2010

Topic: Animal Rights vs. Human Rights
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Ken Connor, with the Center for a Just Society –, compares Animal Rights vs. Human Rights. When Does A Baby Eagle Obtain Legal Rights In America? When the egg is laid, before it’s laid, after it’s hatched (born)? And what penalties would you face if you killed one?

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March 18, 2010

Title: When Does A Baby Eagle Obtain Legal Rights In America?
Topic: Animal Rights vs. Human Rights
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Ken Connor, with the Center for a Just Society –, compares Animal Rights vs. Human Rights. When Does A Baby Eagle Obtain Legal Rights In America? When the egg is laid, before it’s laid, after it’s hatched (born)? And what penalties would you face if you killed one?

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October 14, 2008

Title: When Does A Baby Eagle Obtain Legal Rights In America? A Best of Segment
Topic: Animal Rights vs. Human Rights
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Ken Connor, with the Center for a Just Society, compares Animal Rights vs. Human Rights. When Does A Baby Eagle Obtain Legal Rights In America? When the egg is laid, before it’s laid, after it’s hatched (born)? And what penalties would you face if you killed one? Log onto for more information on this and other topics.

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August 29, 2008

Title: When Does A Baby Eagle Obtain Legal Rights In America?
Topic: Animal Rights vs. Human Rights
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Ken Connor, with the Center for a Just Society –, compares Animal Rights vs. Human Rights. When Does A Baby Eagle Obtain Legal Rights In America? When the egg is laid, before it’s laid, after it’s hatched (born)? And what penalties would you face if you killed one?

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