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October 3, 2016

Title: A True Story of Abortion and Recovery
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Cindy Irizarry
with Pregnancy Help News (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Decades ago, a 20-year old, naïve, confused, and very fearful young lady grappled with how to deal with her unplanned pregnancy. She was a rising star, very bright, and in a long relationship with her then-boyfriend. However, they both agreed that the only logical option to choose was abortion.

That young lady has grown into a wonderful, passionate woman who wishes to share her story with as many people as possible. New guest Cindy Irizarry is with us today to offer hope and healing to anyone who has experienced the pain of an abortion or may know someone who has.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The aftermath of a committed, lengthy relationship left Cindy with an unplanned pregnancy. Was marriage discussed?

Cindy’s boyfriend drove her to the abortion clinic. Was he supportive in the decision to abort their child?

Cindy has actually had three abortions. None were “easier” than the other. Listen in as Cindy describes the inside of an abortion clinic and the physical and emotional pain she experienced after her abortions. “I was a wreck emotionally and mentally,” she recalls. “There is something that happens with the conscience of a woman…it plays with your emotions.

Did the abortion clinic offer post-abortive counseling?

How has Cindy found healing?

Abortion is final for both the mom and the baby. Why should we double down to help save babies and the grieving mothers? “It’s not like buying a pair of shoes, deciding you don’t like them, and returning them to the store,” Cindy believes. It’s also a mutual decision between the mother and the father.

Click here to learn more about Pregnancy Help News.

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July 25, 2016

Title: A True Story of Abortion and Recovery
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Cindy Irizarry
with Pregnancy Help News (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Decades ago, a 20-year old, naïve, confused, and very fearful young lady grappled with how to deal with her unplanned pregnancy. She was a rising star, very bright, and in a long relationship with her then-boyfriend. However, they both agreed that the only logical option to choose was abortion.

That young lady has grown into a wonderful, passionate woman who wishes to share her story with as many people as possible. New guest Cindy Irizarry is with us today to offer hope and healing to anyone who has experienced the pain of an abortion or may know someone who has.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

The aftermath of a committed, lengthy relationship left Cindy with an unplanned pregnancy. Was marriage discussed?

Cindy’s boyfriend drove her to the abortion clinic. Was he supportive in the decision to abort their child?

Cindy has actually had three abortions. None were “easier” than the other. Listen in as Cindy describes the inside of an abortion clinic and the physical and emotional pain she experienced after her abortions. “I was a wreck emotionally and mentally,” she recalls. “There is something that happens with the conscience of a woman…it plays with your emotions.

Did the abortion clinic offer post-abortive counseling?

How has Cindy found healing?

Abortion is final for both the mom and the baby. Why should we double down to help save babies and the grieving mothers? “It’s not like buying a pair of shoes, deciding you don’t like them, and returning them to the store,” Cindy believes. It’s also a mutual decision between the mother and the father.

Click here to learn more about Pregnancy Help News.

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May 7, 2013

Title: Why Help Those Hurt by Abortion?
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Kim Ketola
with Cradle My Heart

Part 1 of 3

Having an abortion might be able to “solve” an immediate “problem”, but it can destroy a woman’s dignity and self-worth.

The latest statistics indicate that 1 out of every 3 women has had an abortion, yet every woman feels alone in the aftermath. Most women do not know where to turn when their emotions and guilt become overwhelming.

New guest, Kim Ketola, with Cradle My Heart ministry, is here today to help explain what they do for women who have had an abortion and why they do it.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Kim Ketola
with Cradle My Heart

Having an abortion doesn’t “end” a “problem” like most people think. Many women develop addictions to drugs or alcohol, become depressed or violent, or contemplate suicide after they’ve had an abortion.

Part of Kim’s ministry with Cradle My Heart is a weekly radio program, offering help and hope to those who’ve had an abortion or are contemplating an abortion.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Kim Ketola
with Cradle My Heart

Cradle My Heart is an inspirational book that offers healing promise through true stories. It IS possible to have God’s love after an abortion. God does NOT hate you. Christians do NOT hate you.

How does Kim know all this? Because she had an abortion.

Learn more at

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January 21, 2011

Title: Are there broken lives and wounded hearts on the pew next to you each Sunday?
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

No more broken hearts, no more broken lives and no more lost lives. Rhonda Arias with Oil of Joy for Mourning joins us to discuss hurting lives on the pews of our churches.

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October 18, 2010

Title: Abortion Recovery Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

The pain of an unplanned pregnancy does not end at the conclusion of an abortion. Thousands upon thousands of women and men suffer from post abortion depression. No matter what excuses are uttered in the attempt to justify the abortion, the mental, physical and spiritual pain continues.

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Title: Abortion Recovery Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

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August 10, 2010

Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

Has abortion changed you or someone you know? Abortion is a major event and an unnatural phenomenon that many women are forced into by a boyfriend, parent, or even spouse. Attend the Abortion Recovery Meeting in Houston on October 19 at Encourager Church on Old Katy Rd in Houston. Log on to for all the details.

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Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

There is hope after an abortion. There is healing and wholeness through the One who created all life. It’s time to be strong again. Visit for more information on the upcoming Abortion Recovery Meeting in October in Houston.

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September 25, 2009

Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

The Texas Abortion Recovery Alliance is hosting a FREE 90-minute seminar on Monday, October 5 from 6-8:30 pm at Encourager Church on Old Katy Rd in Houston. This FREE seminar is open to anyone: moms, dads, brothers, husbands, boyfriends, friends, pastors, counselors. Log on to for more info.

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July 21, 2009

Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

Women have the right to know what they are choosing when they walk into an abortion clinic. That’s why Texas Abortion Recovery Alliance was formed. What is their goal? Who are the partners with the Alliance? What are the two short-term goals of Texas Abortion Recovery Alliance? Guest Rhonda Arias answers these and other questions in this first segment. Log on to for more information.

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Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

Today, Tuesday, July 21, at 2:00 PM people will be gathering at Houston City Hall at 901 Bagby. The purpose is to encourage the Council Members to regulate abortion clinics in Houston and require abortion clinics to be liable for the cost of counseling and/or hospitalization and medical expenses of those hurt in these clinics. If you cannot attend the meeting to show your support, please take a few minutes at 2:00 PM today to pray. Log on to for more information.

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January 19, 2007

Topic: Abortion Recovery
Discussed by Rhonda Arias
with Oil of Joy Recovery

What reasons or excuses do women often give in defense of their abortion or their right to have an abortion? How long is the recovery process? If you or someone you know has had an abortion and is suffering, call Rhonda Arias at 713.419.1214 or log onto

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