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January 31, 2023

Title: Are You Proud to be an American? Gen Z Isn’t.
Topic: Proud to be an American
Discussed by Jarrett Stepman
with The Daily Signal (

Part 1 of 3

According a recent poll, only 16% of Gen Z’ers are proud to be American.

Jarrett Stepman is a columnist for The Daily Signal and the author of “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past”. Today, Jarrett discusses how we can turn this country around so the next generation can be proud to be Americans once again.

Click here to read Jarrett Stepman’s op-ed on this issue from The Daily Signal.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are Gen Z’ers? When were they born?

Since the GI Generation, has each successive generation been less grateful for being an American?

Many people have proclaimed on social media that they want to leave America. Why don’t they leave? Jarrett honestly doesn’t know why they don’t just pack up and leave, but he does know why so many people around the world are still flocking to America by the millions.

Without America’s strength, would the world look drastically different today?

What would America be like if the USSR had won the Cold War? Do Gen Z’ers truly understand the implications of that war and the sacrifices made for our freedom here in America? Jarrett reminds us that “the United States stood at the pinnacle of saving the world from tyranny.”

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Are You Proud to be an American? Gen Z Isn’t.
Topic: Proud to be an American
Discussed by Jarrett Stepman
with The Daily Signal (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do only 16% of Gen Z’ers express pride in America? Jarrett explains why he believes that parents are partly to blame, as well as the public education system.

Have these ideas reached a critical mass? Have traditional American ideas/values been pushed out of every institution?

In a society devoid of patriotism, is there more room for hate? Jarrett says: “Under the guise of diversity and tolerance, I think we see an extreme amount of hate… Where patriotism used to be, it’s now just raw ideology.”

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Are You Proud to be an American? Gen Z Isn’t.
Topic: Proud to be an American
Discussed by Jarrett Stepman
with The Daily Signal (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Patriots – those who still love America – in the minority?

How can we re-teach “Pride in America”? Can it be done? Where do we start? Where do we go from here? Jarrett urges parents to pull their kids out of public education to counter the negative influence.

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