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October 14, 2021

Title: Is Biden Planning a Court Coup?
Topic: Court Packing
Discussed by Brad Mattes
with Life Issues Institute (

Brad Mattes discusses a rather startling discovery about Biden and the US Supreme Court. Brad is the President of Life Issues Institute. For 30 years, organizations and individuals around the world have depended upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.

Click here to read more on this issue from Brad Mattes.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are pro-abortion members of the US Senate livid that a majority of the US Supreme Court Justices may adhere to a strict constructionist philosophy of the US Constitution? And if they do, what just might be in future?

Brad reveals that the Democrats want to expand the US Supreme Court from nine Justices to thirteen justices! How would they feel if Trump had done that?

Is the liberal MSM pushing to pack the court?

Is this issue in the Constitution of the United States? Who decides how many Justices are allowed?

Are there any Liberal icons opposed to packing the court? Brad quotes Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Lawrence Tribe, a Liberal Professor.

Let’s look at history: Did court-packing lead to the eventual downfall of Venezuela?

What will stop the Democrats from packing the court?

Should we all be praying for the defense of the current makeup of the Supreme Court? Brad says: “We must be praying and doing everything we can to not only defeat this effort, but crush it!”

Do elections matter?

What is the Dobbs case and how should we be praying for this case? Click here for more on this case and the National Prayer Initiative for Life.

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