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June 24, 2021

Title: Does America Need Southern Baptists?
Topic: The Southern Baptist Convention
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Does America still need Southern Baptists? Will the Southern Baptist denomination soon split?

Mark Tooley, President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, recently wrote: “We’re in a tear-down moment in American culture where there’s little patience with institutions amid visceral demands for emotional gratification to replace practicality. The SBC has existed for over 170 years. It dates to the national Baptist split over slavery. Contemporary Southern Baptists have lamented and renounced the stance of their long-ago ancestors.”

Click here  for more information on this topic from Mark.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does America need Southern Baptists?

Did the Baptists split over slavery over 170 years ago? Did other denominations split for the same reason?

Overall, did the recent SBC showcase the spiritual vitality and biblical commitments of Southern Baptists?

In Mark’s opinion, does he sense Southern Baptists splitting anytime soon?

Mark Tooley explains why he wrote the following in his recent op-ed piece (linked above): “Speakers routinely cited biblical inerrancy, evangelism and salvation. If anything, Southern Baptists, like most of evangelicalism, could use a thicker public theology that better enables them to speak to and relate to wider society.”

Most Southern Baptists are pro-life. What changes to the pro-life platform were made at the recent SBC? Is abolishing abortion a radical idea?

Was there much debate over Critical Race Theory at the recent Southern Baptist Convention?

Were there floor fights over biblical inerrancy, evangelism, or salvation, against only male preachers, or LGBTQ+ advocacy at the recent SBC? Has he witnessed much debate over these same issues at other mainline denominational conventions?

Why does America need Southern Baptists?

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